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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Johnny Stewart, 10 appearances for Dundee in the 2010/11 season, 6 from the bench. Plays midfield. Can't find much else about him...
  2. Personally think Eric posting on the forum so openly is a total breath of fresh air. I like having a director who is willing to come out and speak to the fans and it'll do a lot for the fan/board relations. Well done Eric.
  3. This is worrying. Really fucking worrying, and I'm not sure what we're going to do.
  4. Decent business that. Thought Walker was the best out of the three we got from Hearts, most direct with the most ability. Glad he's staying.
  5. Rovers must have a bounce game tonight, eh? I'm back in Kirkcaldy for tonight and I see the lights are on.
  6. I see the fucking arsehole brigade is at it on FanTalk again. "Mcglynn MUST go" being the main theme I'm going at, rather than just in general. It really, really pisses me off that someone who has done so much for our club could potentially be hounded out by this lot. Completely ridiculous. One of the potential replacements being touted was Jimmy fucking Calderwood.
  7. Fucking buzzing for big Damien. Well done to the board for backing the boss. They take a lot of shit on here, but they've taken the risk they obviously feel that's required to keep us in this division. I can only hope it pays off.
  8. Thats all fine and well pal, but you're in the wrong thread.
  9. No really got much choice but to go with a back four of Ellis-Wilson-Murray-Donaldson. Unless we move Davidson to CB and then move Walker to CM, playing with the two Hearts lads out wide.
  10. I'd rather take the financial hit in the short run, keep Baird til the end of the season and then let him go for nothing than sell him and inevitably be relegated. If Baird goes, I fear we've had it.
  11. Well done to the RRFC board. I'm going to try my best to get back from Edinburgh and get to as many games as I can to repay the board for their gamble. Finally, I'm smiling about the Rovers again!
  12. Scary to think we had Goodwillie and Templeton in the same team and still never won the league.
  13. Probably something to do with aiding in his development at a crucial time in his career. Must have been written into his contract when he signed.
  14. Someone on FanTalk who was at the meeting tonight said that we received £5,000 from Blackburn over the Goodwillie deal. What a deal that is!
  15. Given that "black" is a completely non-racist term, i seriously doubt that. It astounds me that so many people get it wrong.
  16. For not being very good with his head, he did well with the knockdown for Hamill's goal on Saturday,
  17. I just realised Reece Donaldson was born in January '94. Fucking incredible.
  18. http://www.scottishfootballleague.com/ Highlights here of the Montrose game. Williamson's cross for Baird's goal is sublime.
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