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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I can't stand Nicki Minaj. She's vile looking and talks like her tongue is too big for her mouth.
  2. Heard a wee rumour the other day that we were supposed to get Gordon Smith in on loan, but Hearts pulled the deal at the last minute claiming that he was now ready for the first team after his spell at Stirling and didn't need any further loan spells to further his development. I'm quite sure the next player we get will be from Hearts.
  3. Pretty much one of the worst draws we could have gotten. A long-ish trip to somewhere we already go twice this year, and a ground we traditionally don't do well at.
  4. I feel like absolute death. Got in at half 4 this morning, up at 9 and i've got work at half 1.
  5. Examples 1 and 2. Got to give our insignificant other a moment in the sun.
  6. I had a peek at AFTN just there to see how the game went. Hilarious stuff, folk gloating about a win on penalties in a pre-season friendly. Still almost a quarter century since a competitive win against us.
  7. Dini. I work in a supermarket and the amount of folk that can't read "15 items or less" is unreal. In fact, customers in general are annoying wankers.
  8. Oh christ, please don't start about the "creative midfielder". I thought that stupid debate was confined to FanTalk.
  9. Had work at 7:15 to 11:15 this morning, came home, did some work in the garden, fell asleep in the sun for an hour and now i've to go back to work 5:15 to 9:15
  10. I commented on that in my twitgter updates. My jaw about hit the floor.
  11. Folk always say that about two left footed centre halfs, but not two right footed ones. I never saw any grumblings about "imbalance" when it was Campbell and Murray as the CB pairing. What about Ferdinand and Vidic? Terry and Luiz? Puyol and Pique?
  12. Want to go tonight, but have no one to go with, so I won't be going. I imagine we'll go with: McGurn Murray / Hill / Ellis / Dyer Williamson / Walker / Davidson / Hammill Baird / Graham I imagine this is the formation that will be McGlynn's first choice.
  13. Wilson should still be playing in the first. Comfortably. I'm still pretty gutted we didn't keep him, he's the best right back we've had in my time supporting the Rovers.
  14. A half arsed day is better then a zero work day. Get it done!
  15. I liked how me updating his wikipedia page immediately meant we had signed him.
  16. His goalscoring record doesn't fill me with confidence, but he's played most of his career at a higher level than this one, hasn't he?
  17. I'm sure Stevie May lives locally, however, he is about 20 days older than me, so i'm cautious about placing all my hopes on his shoulders.
  18. Simmons is an excellent midfielder who is comfortably good enough for an upper to mid table first division side.
  19. Still hanging onto that? You'd think you'd have let it go now that you're in the big boys league and such like.
  20. Aye, eh, like that. Ignore the utter dog shit the Pars fans will feed you about him. Simmons is comfortably of 1st Division standard.
  21. Ice hockey is a ruck with sport in between. Total shite.
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