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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. One of my neeburs on facebook posted "BOOM BOOM BOOM, let me hear you say?" Tade was the first to reply with "ME!".
  2. The buzz about the town is amazing just now. Every time I meet someone, all anyone wants to do is talk about the Rovers and how well they're doing and whether or not going up is the best thing for us. I can't remember a time when it's been like this, not even when we won the second.
  3. I've been working out prtetty hard for the past month. I wasn't riduclously unfit, just hadn't done anything over the two months of snow. I was carrying a wee bit extra poundage and wanted to shift it. I can see the difference on me already. I take a protein shake in the moning with 250ml of water, and then the same after any workout. The one thing that is really annoying me is that i can't shift fat from my lower stomach area. It just won't f**k off. Now I realise that you cannot spot reduce fat, it just seems annoying that it's the last place for it to go. It's visably gone from my upper abs, and they are now clearly defined, but the lower is such a problem area. Any tips?
  4. Poor word choice on my part. I meant that the title could be won by either team on that day. Probably should have just said that, tit.
  5. Having had a wee peak at the end of the season fixtures, i've discovered that we play the pars away with three games to go. Can you imagine if it goes down to that game, winner takes all situation?
  6. Home-made Chicken Balti for tea. It was absolutely tremendous. not too spicy, and not too mild. Perfect tea
  7. Watched Shutter Island, Up and Inception recently, and really<,really enjoyed all of them. Inception was probably my favourite, Shutter Island the most interesting and Up being the funny, uplifting kind. Really enjoyed all three.
  8. I've sat in all day waiting on my laptop and only at 15:35 did it's status change to "in transit". What a waste of a day.
  9. My laptop traveled up from Hatfield to Edinburgh last night and checked in to the Edinburgh depot at 5:18am. What are the chances of me getting it today?
  10. News about Ronnie Coyle is devastating. I met him at the MunRovers charity endurance game, and he was an amazing person. Truly hope he can beat this once and for all.
  11. A situation i'm all too familiar with. It's a devastating position to be in for any family.
  12. This is shite. Fucking shite.
  13. Not snow as such, but I took this on the way back from the shop this morning. The only paper they have in is The Courier. Nae rolls, milk or bread either.
  14. Who's going to take Weir? Mole out and Wales in is definitely what it will be.
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