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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. None of my "mates" will give me a lift tonight, and as a result, I can't go down to the girl's house. There's nae buses that go that way either, before anyone says. Fan-fucking-tastic.
  2. Bare in mind i'm only 17 and she's 16. Think we're going to go for a meal, then back to mine.
  3. I'm going out tonight on a, for want of a better word, date. I'm probably just reading too much into it, but i'm not too sure where to head to. Has anyone got any ideas?
  4. I'm really quite annoyed with myself. I was up at my mates last night and was absolutely starving, so on the way home I grabbed a pizza and scoffed the whole lot. I've been trying really fucking hard to shift the last bit of excess timber which just does not want to go away, and I ruined it all last night by having a fucking pizza.
  5. A worthy winner. Well done Martin Adams.
  6. Fuck sake. Chisnall can't keep missing these chances against a player like Adams.
  7. I think loaning Ferry is just delaying the inevitable for him. He'll certainly be away at the end of the season. If Alloa wanted to have him, we should give him to them.
  8. Iain Davidson in the best team over ten years? You're having a fucking laugh.
  9. I've got growing pains in my left gastrocnemius ( ) and it's absolute agony.
  10. "PAQUITO, CALDERON. PAQUITO, CALDERON" I dunno what the tune is from.
  11. Kasabian Live from Brixton from a good few years ago. Stunning.
  12. I refuse to believe that anyone is still enjoying this.
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