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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. My side is slightly better, but tried going for a run last night and made it to the top of the road before having to trudge back, defeated. It'll be a fucking miracle if i'm alright for tomorrow.
  2. Really fucking hurt my side at training last night and now the race is on to fit for Saturday
  3. MarvMarvSuperMarv fucking scudded with the with the ball on the outside of the thigh tonight at fives from about 5 yards. It's quite easily the sorest thing i've ever, ever experienced. It's left the imprint of the pentagon shape of the patches on my leg. I was about doing backflips cause there was absolutely nothing i could do about the pain. Got some Sudacrem on it just now and it's soothed a bit, still burning though.
  4. Fair enough. Each to their own and all that.
  5. Probably for the best, they're pretty awful.
  6. Played 90 minutes this morning, but my ankle is now fucking aching.
  7. Nobody wants to play in the pishing rain on a Sunday when everyone has been playing in the morning.
  8. We're planning a block booking on a Thursday because that's the night he's got training.
  9. This one person that plays football with us on a Friday take EVERYTHING far too seriously, causes fights, everything. It's now getting to the stage where i'm not even gonna bother playing. I'd rather sit in the house and play FM or FIFA, simply because i just can't be arsed with it anymore.
  10. And who the f**k are you like!?

  11. Fucking tools that spoil football for everyone by being a fanny.
  12. Running outside hurts the soles of my feet. On a treadmill it's not nearly as bad.
  13. I'm gonna do it again periodically throughout my training programme. I'd love to get 4000, although that's fair belting it.
  14. Did a cooper 12 minute today on the treadmill after school and managed to get over 3600m. Really pleased with that, but could have got more.
  15. No, i balooned it over the bar We drew 2-2, and i'd scored previous to that, but still pretty gutted to miss. Especially in a derby game.
  16. My nose is blocked and it's really starting to get on my fucking nerves.
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