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Everything posted by grazza

  1. Mandate is there and parliament approved it for Indy 2. Unionists tried to make 2017 westminister about saying no to Indy 2. Yes SNP lost a fair number of seats but unionist parties openly admitted they would not actively campaign against each other in seats where they though the vote would be split they wanted to cause maximum damage to SNP. After they claim it shows Scotland doesn't want another referendum but surely if that was main theme of that election and SNP won majority of seats then shows that they can claim the mandate very much remains. We still need to see how brexit unfolds whatever happens from where we are at now there is an opportunity for strong case for Indy2 but lets get to end of March I think more and more people will be fed up with situation UK is in and more open to it and vocal about it. If and when Indy2 happens assuming it does before 2021 I actually think Sturgeon should not seek to be head of government when Scotland officially leaves UK but would be stable force in transition period until first elections. It would add to what she said at the weekend about the movement being bigger than 1 man or woman. Would also show SNP would evolve after achievement of their current main goal. If vote is to remain she would stand down anyway. It takes away personalities and folk are voting against it because they don't like her or connections. Could also turn it on Ruth Davidson ask her does she not think she could be capable leader of Scotland and try and worm her way around that a bit til she is defending Teresa May or maybe Boris as ones to lead us forward. It needs to be pushed more that westminister can not offer much clarity and will of Scotland is being ignored.
  2. taken the plunge and gone for nord great deal for next 9 hours wherr you get 3 years for $107.55 so works out $2.99 a month
  3. The PIA sounds decent but going on their website its a bit of a mess doesn't give me confidence from first impressions.price tho for year is good though. I'm currently with express vpn seems to do the job but may see if i can do trial on nord vpn to compare.
  4. Shopping around fora premium VPN as current subscription is expiring at end of the month looking at pro and cons on each each option.
  5. Thing with these European leagues is there is plenty of interest in them in the UK but as part of a bigger product portfolio. Its a bit like English Football League probably decent amount of Scottish folk will watch championship games from down south as its part of Sky package, ask them to subscribe to it separately they won't bother. There is a market though for sure for cord cutters. I don't use satelite or aerial I have PC (with steam link to get around the house), fire stick and PS3 so can use my folks sky or bt account even though they live 3 hours away. Though for NHL I do have NHL tv as I follow a particular team but thats more hardcore fans around the world and they blackout any games shown live here on premier/freesports which I also have account for though more encouraged to have it as they have UK hockey as well as European, international and NHL to make overall package appealing.
  6. Sell on clauses would be better bet when negotiating a fee for Shankland. Transfer fees down there are crazy so possibly worth it to take say 50k less for 10% sell on clause and maybe also clause for international appearance. If they have to pay these fees then he must be doing something right for them so its win win. If we do end up receiving a fee priority to should be retention of current team offer new contracts with different salaries based on what league we are in. Even just getting a couple of players to sign up can have a chain reaction and give others confidence we can sustain a good team beyond the season.
  7. Victor Tutugoro is quite fat. Guess his wife must also be older than him.
  8. Venom 5/10 Really didn't grab me at all Tom Hardy did decent enough job but the rest of the acting really was subpar. Was a 15 so hoping for something bit darker and grittier than normal Marvel flick. I've got cinecard so no big loss but would say not worth paying full price for this one.
  9. Really strugglng tonight on holiday with my brother and mutual friend and tried to open up as not happy way they have been treated just ignoring anything I say but made things worse Just at stage can`t waste time with unsupportive folk decent people but not right company for me. Just got get through another day and then holiday over.
  10. Got gta5 on ps3 quite wnjoying dipping intonit every so often still got lot of game tonplay but reasonably through it. Is pc version massive step up and is there rockstar social club crap to get thru each time you start up game on stram
  11. Tomb Raider - 5.5/10 - Okay movie pretty basic plot but didn't think it dragged on. End of film boss fight pretty underwhelming. Pacific Rim 2 - 3.0/10 - Load of crap seem to be turning it into some sort of tweeny version of transformers and completely unplausable how they can put stuff together so quickly
  12. ????? SNP achieved 56 of 59 MPS, this was never going to be replicated, they have majority of MPs and still dominate the Scottish Parliament. I'm torn re next referendum date but your point is pretty irrelevant Yeah I never get this argument. Ruth Davidson made gains through an alliance with labour in not actively contesting each other in seats where the SNP could be ousted. The election in essence was a vote on should there be a referendum and SNP still retained a majority of seats and their 2nd biggest result in Westminster elections. It would be like saying labour earned the right to govern as the torries majority was significantly cut.
  13. Will largely depend on if we remain in customs union and the initial transition period will probably mean that is the case but if we knew we would be out of that at certain point then then that may be time to call. I would say there would will need to be some sort of vote on that issue early on in the transitional period out of EU for UK whether that is another referendum on access to single market or Torries with a change of leader can some how have a united position that will match the result and call a general election and outflank labour. Labours only real hope to be biggest party in election is turn a general election into that issue referendum. SNP position I think needs to be clear that independent Scotland would be looking to retain that single market access and would guarantee that certainty and would be only if we had government voted by the people that was against that which is hard to see for very long time if ever, it would perhaps be the preference for EU membership by the party but this would only be confirmed by a manifesto of election or referendum. There would be no need for a mad rush to get in EU. Also debate that immigration into Scotland is at much more manageable rate and our need to boost working population and European nationals generally have integrated here and more valued. Also really hammer about workers rights, human rights. Possibly Sturgeon could also say she would not seek to be prime minister in first post indy government. After Yes vote will be period of negotiations etc for 16-18 months and she will be there to get that done by that time she will have been party leader for maybe 6 or 7 years at least.
  14. Looking for something that covers the winter olympics with on demand coverage of the ice hockey. BBC will have very limited coverage and having matthew pinsent and paula radcliffe as pundits for gold medal match in 2010 was last straw for me and their coverage and they won't show most of the games anyway. So yeah with time zones etc need something I can access games on demand later on and would be willing to pay if not too crazy for the couple of weeks. Any suggestions
  15. Surely would make sense whatever happens to retain the junior cup as the top non league tournament in Scotland. Would be good if they invited Highland,Lowland, EOS, SOS and North Caledonian teams to take part. Perhaps in turn SFA could open access to senior cup also to more juniors and SPFL maybe look at some challenge cup involvement and scrap the colt teams & Irish and welsh clubs entering. Basically more collaboration in cup competitions small steps to longer pyramid integration.
  16. Anyone got steam link and controller. Almost bought them as on sale for £27 for the two though then they want another £10 on delivery. I have read they are good for keyboard and mouse games if you want to say use it on couch or another room. Are they good for streaming other stuff from pc say if mrs is in living room I can easily stream stuff from pc to tv in other room that Id be using chrome for etc.
  17. I'm not really sure if I would categorise what I have as depression or anxiety. I just feel very comfortable staying at home so many good tv shows to watch these I just really can't be arsed with people. Quite happy with me and the fiance. I had finally got into a permanent role in my line of work in Edinburgh early in the year at the same time as applying for that role I had applied for another role in Dundee which I took as fiance's mum was up there and well bereavement and drinking problem we thought we could move up and stay with her at least a while till she improves and at same time have chance to save up for mortgage. However well she just went crazy when we were there. The role I took in Dundee was a bit too outgoing and I just didn't have the personality for it though stuff going on when I got to house after work each day probably just really hit my confidence and anxiety so quit that job. I was lucky in that the same day I had my exit meeting with that job I applied and got a new job and started the next week. Again was a permanent role but a bit more just admin based and not so outgoing. Things at house continued to get worse so we had to very quickly find somewhere not too far away to rent and get out stuff over bit by bit over couple weeks. Perhaps all this stress and moving really effected my concentration at work in learning new things but the department I'm in is a mess hardly any experienced staff and about 4 of us doing work of 8 people and I never really got any proper training and difficult for people to find time to go over stuff so feel like have to ask quick questions etc but yeah its just messy and not good for customers. I had a good couple of weeks holiday away in truth due maybe 6 months ago. So halfway through sent e-mail to say I was resigning. Though if I just say I have had stressful situation at home before I even started job and just found it hard to concentrate then well not slagging off any management or department and I stayed late many nights could hopefully get good reference. Had reply from HR manager that they had only had positive feedback on how I had done in the role. I had stupidly mistook notice period for a week as well was on holiday so just had quick glance of e-mails when I joined think thats notice they can give me in my first 6 months so just thought it was maybe mutual. Well notice period is a month. So back now and spoken to HR manager and been honest that as much as it was stress it was more so mess of department and lack of training and tutoring for my role. They agreed with how the department has been and how it hasn't really been fair for me and other new starts and they are looking to improve things but wouldn't happen over night which I appreciated their honesty. I'm 30 and well I am probably slightly naive in that I want job I enjoy even if money ain't great if enough to pay bills then would like to do that for a while but would also even take something pretty basic just to try and de-stress for a while. On the other hand not sure how that will effect the cv and longer term chances of mortgages etc which really I don't really care that much about at this moment but down the line maybe I will. So maybe I should go for another admin role and start fresh somewhere. Have spoken bit with agency who seemed keen to register me. I probably know I need to get out my current role I have given the month notice so less than 3 weeks left, they will probably say some nice stuff about how things will improve there and it probably will longer term but I just feel unprofessional working in the state the department is currently. Once out though I need to get into work fairly quickly. I can get by for 2 months without, I am confident I can get something quickly but you can never be sure but will be so hard to look for job later on if need to give full month notice. Can just say this role was maternity cover if asked. I have spent so many years doing couple degrees and well graduating in toughest economic times, working in very basic jobs to get by then onto temp roles and got permanent role and done the selfless thing for fiance and her family and she feels crap about it as can see strain it has taken on me. That said l feel very comfortable in flat we are renting good bit more room, decent area and cheaper than Edinburgh. I don't really have big ambitions to move somewhere bigger, have no interest in driving or having family etc. Would like to maybe move to Malta or somewhere like that one day and live fairly basic life. Really though happy to come home to the Mrs and watch something. Really can't been arsed with social occasions though and less likely to go to cinema or football etc but just king of feel out of place in rare family gatherings while surrounded by people I like and care about I struggle to come up with much to say and stuff just kind of passes by. I just don't feel like I can concentrate and focus on much these days my mind just wanders I look back at how I got through Uni nearly a decade ago and again a couple years later and wonder how I done it all but also what did I really learn and practically take from it. Always thought it was just not using my brain for so many years but just feels like something else but struggle to really hold a conversation or be articulate except around the mrs. Need to stop 2nd guessing myself so much I guess. Probably trivial compared to lost of stuff on here but good to type out. Cheers.
  18. I used to have sports mania seemed to run pretty well for me when I had it but as it was about to run out decided to see what else there was. Was suggested on here about mega iptv. Tried a one day trial of it and took the plunge for £60 for a year. Has worked very well so far. Can use it on pc with vlc player and on fire stick with an app called smart iptv (is free for a week or so then gotta pay one off fee of fiver to use the app) is worth it though as has tv guide with the channels and for many channels shows whats on then and the schedule all day. Worked pretty flawlessly so far so would say I wouldn't go back to sports mania if this keeps up. My advise would be get a spare day or evening and get the 1 day trial and read up on how it works on devices your using and test it out.
  19. Went for a trial on the one a few have mentioned in last couple of days. Had a quick look and looks very nice not sure if the trial gives all channels the full package would give or not but lot of channels for sure. Celtic game will be a test to see how reliable it is. Take it Aberdeen game on Thurs would be a stretch to find on there or sportsmania.
  20. I have sportsmania and its very good but seems to be less reliable for scottish teams at home if not already shown in UK for instance celtic at home last week in Europe I think I read others here saying they managed to see it on IPTV. Does IPTV cover much that sportsmania does not? My 5 months with sportsmania is probably running out soon so would be interested in what other options there are either to replace or in combination. Is the IPTV stuff fairly straight forward to work once setup? I would be interested if there is stuff for tv and movies etc in a paid service if HD guaranteed. I'm already fairly well covered with skygo and bt sport(folks have sky and bt sport so no cost to me to use their login) also already have netflix and amazon so not desperate but would be nice to have something a bit more stable than the exodus etc which comes and goes and not always HD. Ideally be able to use of firestick if in different room from pc. Any advise would be appreciated. cheers
  21. Whats best IPTV thing to look at seems bit tricky to get working got sportsmania just wondering if anything good to have on top of that.
  22. To be honest I'm surprised we don't see it more often. Not sure if coaches contracts are the same as players where either side just needs to give 2 weeks notice. I thought it might be difficult for Stars to hold onto to him after taking them to final 4 thought he might have been in contention for Clan job. You don't see many head coaches in the elite league even over the age of 40 most coaches if they do reasonably well will see it as stepping stone and then go to minor league teams in North America as an assistant and work their way up. I have just moved up to Dundee in the couple of months so looking to be a regular at the stars games next season. Impression I get is that the owners are struggling to make it work financially so not sure what will happen if new ownership can't come in for 2018/19. It is important that they can again put together a competitive team that can reach the play offs a bad season on the ice could increase apathy off the ice. The stars have been going for 15 years now I think maybe it is the right time for a new owner to take over hopefully the Wards can keep the club running until that point.£495 for a season ticket I appreciate it is now for 31 games instead of 26 I think. Its not even that big a saving for just paying at gate which I will likely do or get a 10 game ticket. It is not an easy proposition for families in a post industrial city. Location wise the rink is pretty far away from city centre and regeneration of the waterfront I think is going to take attention away from rink and cinema in the coming years. The Stars need new ownership and fresh ideas they have done well on the ice given what they are up against but the league is improving year on year on and off the ice.
  23. Play off semis today Im watching Dundee v cardiff webcast its a tenner bit pricier than normal games but its big occasion.Not sure if I will bother with 2nd semi or not. The final is live on BBC tomorrow on their website and app so dunno if that means via red button or what. All 3 games will be on 5 live extra to listen to. Good luck stars in process of moving up to Dundee so will likely be a regular next season.
  24. Staying in single market should be the big selling point this time around. There is no where is western, central and much of eastern Europe that does not at least have this sort of deal. From that starting point it really would be down to the Scottish people on what governments they elect and we may find we are comfortable with a Norway style arrangement and take time to speak with European neighbours. Debates should be much more panel based. The likes of Henry McLeish would be a great coup if he was to commit to a yes campaign. The idea of more representative democracy so getting rid of house of lords etc and commitment to retain PR system so governments need to win support and work with others etc. I do wonder say getting closer to the referendum if Sturgeon almost takes herself out of the long term bigger picture and offers to step down once independence is reached and not stand for first election as leader. At that point it would be some point in 2020. She was opposition leader in Holyrood before Salmond got in and well 6 years is a good time for a leader and she could concentrate on getting best deal in talks. I hear folk against independence seem to personalise it previously with Salmond e.g. he is fat and his wife is older than him and now with Sturgeon in other ways and yes I'm sure it happens on both sides. Scottish labour will need to really differentiate themselves especially if Jez is still about and they themselves will need to decide whether to stick or twist with Kez after council elections and thinking about giving next person time before possible referendum. Possibly a few councillors who lose their job this spring may feel a bit disenfranchised and speak out against the party. Kez and willie Rennie talk about federalism but have they actually travelled across UK to try and see if there is any consensus for it even within their own party.
  25. Would like to see at least the regular season winners get a bye to the play off semis and the play offs being the main trophy and champions league entrant but arena teams seem to need to know they will be playing a home quarter final leg. Seems to just be a UK issue. Other leagues around the world teams with multi purpose arena seem to be able to play best of series etc but guess hockey not main tenant for arenas in UK. Assuming that is the case and they don't budge from that I would like to see a play in system team 7 plays team 10 and team 8 plays team 9 in one off games and winners progress to quarters. Would love to see winners get bye and or best of series but will not happen anytime soon. The challenge cup I would like to see run like the old autumn cup and have the final by early December. I'd go 4 groups of 3 but would have top 2 going through. Group games completed in first 2 weeks of the season. Groups be drawn out a hat.
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