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An Sionnach

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Posts posted by An Sionnach

  1. I phoned my careers office the other day and they said that they'd phone ahead for the information I wanted, and call me back. They didn't phone back. I phoned them again a few days later. Asked the same thing, was told the same thing. They didn't phone back. 'No news is good news'

    Should I phone again?

    It's an initiative test.

    You've failed...

  2. I went to give you a positive green thingy for that usage of a quality Morecambe and Wise joke - but Ive reached my daily quota sad.gif Sorry!

    Thanks for the thought anyway!

    I see you got a -1 for that though! (Would have put an emoticon but don't want to annoy Patrick.....)

    Edit: Mended - you got one of my greenies to make it up!

  3. Gilmour St.


    St James

    ??? huh.gif

    EDIT: ah, Hawkhead. Forgive me for only including stations that have "Paisley" in their name wink.gif

    That's in Whitehaugh Village, actually!cool.gif

    My boy wants to borrow two of my CD's, so I phoned the Ex and agreed to drop them off at her work as I'm going into Glasgow this Thursday.

    Only I'm not.

    I checked my diary afterwards.

    It's next Thursday.


  4. Google Chrome decided to c**t it, so I downloaded Firefox on Internet Explorer. All was going well. I got myself an Arsenal skin, and I decided to f**k around with the settings. I've now got rid of the bar thing at the top that has File and Tools on it. Does anyone know how I can get it back?

    Edit - It's cool, I've got it.

    The best advice I can give is go to "my account> language> "Pirate"> save".....

    Ya DOBBER!mad.gif

  5. Why the fúck are you watching it then? Seriously.

    There was nothing else worth watching for the 20 minutes left whilst I was tidying up and getting my stuff ready for work tomorrow before I went to bed. And as it was supposedly such a major event, I was giving it a cursory glance in case something of earth shattering importance happened. It didn't!

    And I'd add "people who put "seriously" after a question to needlesly try and validate it" to those P&B'isms you hate, but I can't be arsed copying all this to the other thread. tongue.gif

  6. Everybody on my facebook has "Im watching the superbowl 'mon the *insert very stupid american team neme here*"

    Fack off, I bet you don't even know the rules or watch another American Football game this year. American Footbal is also extremely erm... shite! It's like they took the gayest sport we have and made it gayer!

    I have to agree that and they have some very stupid names involved - Dwight Freeney, Pierre Garcon, Jabbar Greer, Reggie Bush and a huge bloke called Tracy with a stupid haircut!

    I'm also a tad annoyed with the fact that there appears to be three or so "goes" with the ball, then we cut to the studio for some blether, a trailer or an advert break.

    "He's not going to get bored in this Superbowl"! "He" might not, but I fucking well am!

  7. Enter Shakiri, yes? That could make for an unhappy pair of kids when I see them for lunch this afternoon!sad.gif

    I won't ask how long the "Sorry you were out when we called" card from the postie had been lying on the kitchen table before my boy went to the Sorting Office yesterday morning. ph34r.gif

    Cheers for the heads up.wink.gif


    I don't know either, but I'd expect quite a while.

    The box office isn't actually open today, so there's no way to obtain the tickets. Baws.

    Since 15th January! Hence the Post Office sent them back after three weeks on 5th February!rolleyes.gif

    To be fair they tried phoning the ticket seller to arrange a box office pick up at Barrowlands but they got back from the Sorting Office at 12:30 and, you guessed it, the seller's office shut at 12:00. Bad luck buddy. The kids were pissed off too and the Ex is just hoping she can get a refund - which I doubt.sad.gif

    If it helps, I beat him at Adventure Golf and wiped the floor with him at pool.

    Competitive Dad 2-0 Absent Minded son!biggrin.gif

    PS They live with their mother, 'sno ma fault!wink.gif

    PPS On a different matter, I had a fantastic night out having dinner with my Pagan friends but have learnt that carrying a piece of Rose Quartz Crystal is not a guarantee of successfully wooing the object of my desire. Neither was giving her a chocolate heart on a stick! And, once safely seen onto her bus home, I discovered the last train to Paisley had long gone and that Glasgow Central is awash with drunken, young folk smothered in cheap after-shave and perfume but little clothing and forming a massive queue for the few taxis's daring to ply their trade. Needless to say, the late night N9 bus to Linwood via Paisley was an "interesting" experience. I didn't realise that, a bit like Cinderalla, young ladies seem to lose their shoes after midnight!blink.gif

  8. Gig tickets were in the post, so my mate dropped into the postal place to pick them up yesterday. Royal Mail said that they had been returned to sender. Now we have to contact the people that sent the tickets (who's office shuts at midday), and then go to the box office at the Barrowlands to pick them up.

    Gigs later on today. mad.gif

    Enter Shakiri, yes? That could make for an unhappy pair of kids when I see them for lunch this afternoon!sad.gif

    I won't ask how long the "Sorry you were out when we called" card from the postie had been lying on the kitchen table before my boy went to the Sorting Office yesterday morning. ph34r.gif

    Cheers for the heads up.wink.gif

  9. about 2 cm where I am in Paisley, it's enough to f**k up the trains into Glasgow

    And the buses; don't forget the buses.mad.gif

    I'm supposed to be on the Paisley Canal - Glasgow Central line at 6pm tonight. I trust most of it will have melted by then.

  10. Just asking how you were that's all.

    And it's a nice 25c today but a wee bit windy but not too bad.

    It's actually been a crap summer so far, hardly hit the high 20's at all and quite a lot of thunder storms. Still, farmers and ducks were a happy bunch...does that make you happy?

    laugh.gif A miserable summer and you can't get to watch your TV programme or that "special cuddle". I can see the grumpiness starting....

    And, no, I don't feel any sense of triumph that someone isn't having a good time of things.

    If it helps, the snow apparently incapacitates Arriva buses in Lanarkshire, which is why I spent a total of 40 minutes waiting at two bus stops on the way to work this morning. Give me Capy's trams any day!smile.gif

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