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An Sionnach

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Posts posted by An Sionnach

  1. I'd say I was quite normal!

    To quote the sainted Morrissey - "There is no such thing in life as normal..."wink.gif

    Next time try agreeing with them for larks.

    Did this once in Stranraer leading to the landlord of the pub showing us his collection of Barry Ferguson signed photos and giving us free drinks. It's quite remarkable how excited folk get about a team they never go and watch, or know little about.

    I may have done were it not for the fact that I know the English one as a regular and he spends most of his time winding up all the Scottish punters and, after we had conceded easy goals from two set corner pieces to lose 2-0 in an otherwise drab game only an hour ealier, I was probably not in the best frame of mind to partake in the "merry OF banter".


  2. Was working in Dumfries on Thursday night, and one of the guys asked me if i was a Celtic or "a good Rangers man". I told him it was Queen's Park, and he said "Really? Takes all sorts, eh?". Shouts to his mate, "Here Jamie, the boy here supports Queen's Park Rangers. Least it's a Rangers of some sort, eh?"

    I didn't bother correcting him.

    A bit later on i had to tell this "Rangers supporter" who it was they were playing on the Saturday.

    It's in this thread 'cos i didn't know whether to pity the guy, laugh at him or just feel totally scunnered because of him.

    I have had similar incidents in my local but with the added barb of either Berwick who? or They're English aren't they?

    I had both questions asked of me on Saturday evening (not the best time to confront me after my trip to Hampden as I'm sure you'll agree) and at least had the satisfaction, after about three minutes of their "banter", of rolling my sleeve up and revealing my Lion Rampant Saltire tattoo and replying "What the fúck do you think this is then?". I wouldn't usually mind but one of them was a regular who IS English and knew exactly who he was winding up.

  3. Google Chrome just died on me. sad.gif

    Came up with a message saying "Woah! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now?"

    So I click on restart, and the same message happens. Do it again, same message. Gave up after five minutes.

    Now I'm having to use Internet Explorer.

    Google Chrome is rubbish - it's too slow and keeps crashing.....so my daughter informed me today.

    Start using Firefox then mate wink.gif

    That's what she and a friend advised as well.

    I don't have that on my computer anymore. I prefered Safari, and then Chrome came out. Got rid of Safari too. Kept IE incase of emergancies like this. Hopefully it works tomorrow. sad.gif

    I suggest you speak to my IT expert daughter, unless she has you on her "Death List For Men She Hates"!wink.gif

    FFS, don't suggest that to her if she hasn't got one already!!!ph34r.gif

  4. I go to the pub every Saturday and I don't drink any alcohol what-so-ever so she doesn't have to either. One late night a week is hardly going to affect her lifestyle. She constantly updates her status on facebook saying "Can't wait for weekend, pub time" then never comes out. I know she isn't working because she is working during the day, not at night.

    She obviously doesn't have a social phobia or she wouldn't go out to the pub! I've asked her whats wrong and she always says nothing.

    You should have come to Hampden with me - we could have been miserable together!rolleyes.gif

  5. I'm far too tired to function so tonight's plans have had to be cancelled. On the plus side Everton are 2-0 up but I'll be lucky to see FT.

    I caught the goals in that game but wasn't really paying attention as I was reading my paper and doing the crossword. There were a group of four guys to my right having a pint and a blether, which didn't really bother me, and another two guys to the right of them watching one of the big screens. Up pipes on of them asking two of the group of four to move back a bit because they were watching the football and couldn't see the screen clearly!

    Long story short - they got told, "it's a public bar, if you want to watch the telly do it at home". They still were whining on after the four guys had left and started making a fuss to the bar staff as well. What a pair of utter fannies! Quite put me in a bad frame of mind!

  6. It's the beginning of the meltdown, Kilt.

    Minus 96.

    Is your arse starting the countdown? unsure.gif

    I must admit it will be interesting to see which theory comes out on top. Exploding arse, Div chapping my door with a meat cleaver or a new tag like "Supercúnt" or something.

    I'm waiting to find out with baited breath! Gods help the poor soul sat next to me at this afternoon's game!laugh.gif

  7. Snow = no football tomorrow. Fúck...

    Edit - and the bolding of swears doesn't filter them out anymore. Have to use Kilt's method.

    I appear to have many uses, thank fúck!

    I've managed to say f**k a few times on here since the upgrade. unsure.gif

    I'm curious to know how as it doesn't work when I quote you and your hinted at method can't be seen in a quote of yours?

    Someone did mention something about "RichText" or somesuch but my eyes began to glaze over...rolleyes.gif

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