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An Sionnach

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Posts posted by An Sionnach

  1. Sorry - and no offence - but it appears you just copied out the instructions from a fajita kit onto the internet.

    Much on at the moment? tongue.gif

    laugh.giflaugh.gif I was thinking that. He is an old 'un though. That's probably the height of haute cuisine in MonkeyBlairs household!

    Oops, that'll have him choking on his Rich Tea and splurting his cuppa over the table...ph34r.gif

    PS Anyone still got a copy of the P&B Cookbook? I have it on my works PC and can re-post it tomorrow if anyone wants a Keith Floydian trip down gastronomic memory lane. I must run now as my vegetarian haggis should be well and truly done by now. Yum!

    Err, wrap it in foil, put it in an ovenproof dish with an inch of water at 180 degrees for 45 minutes, open foil, split open haggis, stick it in a dish, munch contentedly!smile.gif

    Edit: NB - Use oven gloves to take the foil of your haggis and watch out the wee bugger doesn't fling bits of itself in your face when you split it open.

  2. What about your local rivals, Montrose? They only have 6 points! That, in my book, is a bit laughable.

    Sorry Montrose fans.


    Insomnia. mad.gif

    I'm with you on that. Even though I'm back at work, I was still up at 2am, then again at 4am and 6am. It's murder. I shall try not to snooze in the armchair in the early evening. That may help.

    More snow in West Edinburgh this am..

    Aye, just when BBC Weather said "Watch out for the South Westerly bringing a Gulf Stream current of air that will start a messy thaw going..." - it snows again!rolleyes.gif

  3. Another couple of inches in Ice Station Paisley overnight, from what I can see from my bedroom window.

    I was thinking of making the trek to the Feegiedome this afternoon to see Alloa horsed off the park. Now, I just have to find my Strathclyde Police safety compliant snowshoes.....

  4. See where it says "Signed in as .....", there should be a wee arrow that you can click on to show your message box etc.

    To give folk bad rep, click on the red bit down the bottom right of their post and to give good rep, click on the green bit. smile.gif

    Ah, right. This one user_arrow.png , I see. Thanks.wink.gif

    As for the bad rep thing, I'm assuming that the totals of the good and the bad posts you accrue are what's represented on your overall Profile level, yes?

    I've used up my quota for today apparently!

  5. So, my PM's, where are they?

    Hit the wee arrow next to your name in the top right corner.

    Sorry to appear dense Andy, but the only arrow next to my name when I post takes me to an abbreviated version of my Profile. What happened to the wee "You have 0 Messages" box at the top right of every page in the good old days?

    And what's with the "Reputation" pish on your profile? And how do I apply it to other's, were I being so petty?

  6. Train all running fine from Glasgow out to Dalmuir, fortunately. (Via Yoker) smile.gif

    Watch out for the Yoker Langy and the Yoker Toi...ph34r.gif

    Right, that's me off out to see if the Hawkhead - Central line is still running!unsure.gif

  7. Where's the PM function gone. I used to have a 'Messages' tab to the top right of the screen but its gone. I tried to PM my mate but had to go to 'Members' first, then enter the username and when I got to the 'Send Me A Message' function, it doesn't appear to let you send attachments which was the whole purpose of my PM in the first place!

    Grrrrrr! To quote Alf Garnett - "Ahm goin' dahn the pub!"mad.gif

  8. Just got confused with the 'repudiation' thing and gave Adam Bully a negative in one of his posts on Eastenders thread - sorry!!

    I have given you a positive on the next comment, hope that sorts it out....

    I was trying to minimize the repudiation box as I could not read part of a post because of it.sad.gif

    I done the same actually. Although I got lucky when I done it to DB62.

    What is this 'Repudiation' thingy you speak of. I thought it was something to do with the wee + and - circles to the bottom right of each post. Although I've found out by recent experience it isn't.

  9. I think Dubs was just taking the piss with regards to your original post.

    Edit: Fuds. laugh.gif

    Ah, right. Thanks for that.wink.gif

    I just couldn't see what my going out to Glasgow, it being baltic and my recent IT experiences had to do with Wossy-Boy! I still don't, TBH, so if Fuds* was taking the piss, it's a total fail. Oh well...

    * "Fuds" © Kilt Corporation 2010

  10. I think I was going to mention something about how cold it is and that I want to go out into Glasgow tonight to meet some friends. Paisley Hawkhead to Central and back. That should be do-able in BBCs alledged nuclear-winter shouldn't it?rolleyes.gif

    But I got sidetracked, clicked a "vote this post down" tab for the hell of it, thinking it would be an electronic fingers up to the poster, but ended up being invited to reply to the post, so I back-tracked, got lost in a sea of blue and eventually got here. And now I've forgotten who was moaning about the cold so I could agree with them.

    In the last couple of months I've done ripping CD's to a laptop, getting an MP3 player, Synching some of my music library onto it, finally seeming to get the hang of Facebook, ordering things on t'internet and paying for them online, buying and installing a webcam and now a new P&B!

    This may be a cyber-bridge too far.....

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