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An Sionnach

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Posts posted by An Sionnach

  1. Fucksake -ve 2. Own up sad.gif

    Not guilty, yer honour. Just the one from me, honest.

    Soppy bollocks below got the other one just now for this ------>

    snapback.pngMan Skirt, on 27 January 2010 - 21:57, said:God this plus and minus thingy is I am pathetic

    Not only changing my user name but misquoting me in a "humerous" way!

    I think we all know who is pathetic, ya Dr Who scarf-wearing saddo!tongue.gif

  2. Not any more - because you put up a 'Live News' link, so it keeps changing!rolleyes.gif

    And when it said initially Bath Street, I was cacking it because the Ex works near there. However, it was much further down the road than that, thank feck!

    Woman dies after lorry collision

    A woman has died after being hit by a lorry in Glasgow city centre. Emergency services were called to the scene of the crash on Hope Street, at the corner of Sauchiehall Street, at about 1225 GMT.

    It is understood the woman, whose name has not been released, died at the scene.

    Hope Street was closed between Bath Street and Renfrew Street following the incident. It reopened to traffic shortly after 1530 GMT

    Fecking tragic all the same!sad.gif

  3. I can't think of anything worse than going to a strip club.

    It just looks awful.

    In the "good" old days when lunchtime was an hour in the pub, a group of us when to a strippers pub for one lads birthday. Suffice to say, after his birthday was "celebrated", he came back to the office with his tie rather smeared and smelling like Billingsgate Market.....ph34r.gif

  4. Ah ok. Did he used to work at prestwick?

    Fudge and Lyn-Marie are right, as usual! I do regularly go to Prestwick but I'm behind the scenes there doing Health & Safety audits and training courses for them about once every two months.wink.gif

    If you come back through Glasgow Airport you'll see me and my clipboard on the arrivals control.smile.gif

  5. Apparently, Dunc, it was even more sinister.....

    Death of Trotsky

    Skull fractured with pickaxe

    Thursday 22 August 1940

    Leon Trotsky, the exiled Bolshevik leader, died early this morning from injuries received when he was attacked in his home in a suburb of Mexico City some thirty hours earlier. His skull was fractured.

    A trepanning operation was performed yesterday, and specialists had been summoned from the United States.

    The attack was made upon Trotsky by Franck Johnson, who is described as a French Jew. Trotsky, it is stated, invited Johnson to take afternoon tea with him and Johnson was therefore not searched, as are most people entering Trotsky's carefully guarded home in the city suburbs. According to the police Johnson had a small pickaxe, of the type used by Boy Scouts, hidden in his trousers. He is alleged to have attacked Trotsky suddenly, battering his skull and injuring his right shoulder and right knee. According to one of his bodyguards Trotsky's last words before he became unconscious were "I think Stalin has finished the job he started." Trotsky escaped without injury a couple of months ago when hundreds of machine-gun bullets were fired into his house by a gang of twenty men.

    That Stalinist chunt Baden-Powell has a lot to answer for!ohmy.gif

  6. Hammocks led to the expression "Shake a leg". In the old sailing days, when a sailor took a young lady back to his ship, in the morning the bosun would walk round and yell "shake a leg" so that any hairless, shapely limb sticking over the hammock's side could be tugged by the ankle as a warning to the girl to get up, dressed and off the ship before it sailed.

    If only a chubby, hairy leg popped over the side of the hammock, one could assume that the occupant hadn't struck lucky that evening.

    I'm full of this sort of factual but irrelevant stuff!rolleyes.gif

  7. So you had too many and she's a munter. Solved. wink.gif

    I can absolutely assure you that I was and still am 100% stone-cold, acohol-free sober!smile.gif

    No, until I get to know her a bit better, I'm assuming she is a throwback to an earlier generation in her family where a rich, handsome member of the aristocracy had a drunken shag with the sluttiest kitchen-maid up the back stairs of the baronial hall in Bellahouston and it is only now that the superior DNA ha managed to surface to supremamcy after years of submersion in the aformention knuckle-dragging gene pool.


    Edit: BTW, should you not be adding "Unbeaten in 2010" to your sig?wink.gif

  8. There is no way on earth I will ever get a chance to find out if she has "the virus" as yon Jimmy chap so delicately put it.

    Chico - I'm prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt in that (as verified by my St.Mirren pal) she is a very good-looking and an extremely personable young woman who, I fear, is the unfortunate Cinderalla of the average Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale of Troll Family life.

    As for Monster and Mr Ruggy - I can find absolutely nothing to find fault with in either of their posts!wink.gif

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