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An Sionnach

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Posts posted by An Sionnach

  1. Should be. I've always had excellent service off Amazon.

    It hadn't arrived yesterday, so I'm trusting it will arrive this morning. I'm waiting on a couple of things for myself ordered at the same time. I shall be a tad put out if they're not here by Friday at the latest.

    Anyhoo, I've just noticed that for once I am the only one browsing the GN Forum! YAY! Although given that it's 04:48 and most normal people are still in bed, working hard at the tail end of their night-shift or at work in a different time zone (ie Kiwififer), it's hardly surprising.rolleyes.gif

    I'll give bed another go.....

  2. Jees, your up late?

    Full moon?

    No, no. The Full Moon was on Saturday 31st January. According to my Lunar Calendar (calculated on GMT), this Friday 5th is the Last Quarter at 23:48, the New Moon is on 14th at 02:51, the First Quarter on 22nd at 00:42 and the next Full Moon Ebsat is on 28th February at 16:38.

    Whilst important to me personally, this is of more significant to my female Coven organised friends.

    However, put simply, I cannae sleep - again. I'm going to head back to bed in a minute to see if the World Service will set me off.

    Incidentally, I have just realised that I have a PM from you and Berwick Canary that I seem to have overlooked. My apologies. I was used to the wee box at the top right of the page notifying me I had PM's waiting, but with this new format, I have to remember to click on my name each visit to see if I have any messages and I keep forgetting.

    I'll see to them both at work later this morning....ph34r.gif

    Please don't tell me you're sunning yourself on the garden lounger, sipping a chilled tinny and waiting for the bikini-clad Mrs to turn your prawns over on the barbie - it's snowing again here!

  3. The DVD I ordered for my daughter's birthday was despatched yesterday, according to Amazon. So it should be here in today's post.

    If it isn't, it should be in Wednesday's post, which will leave me about an hour to get home, unwrap and re-wrap it and get round to hers!

    This is the most tense I've been for weeks!rolleyes.gif

    It wasn't in yesterday's post. It should be in today's.

    I am now getting rather concerned.

    This is not available publicly, it's only for those who are already in the waiting room.

    I'm still in my forties FFS!

  4. Why is Tony Robinson doing it?

    Terry did a brief introduction but such is the nature of his particular Alzheimer's (Posterior Cortial Atrophy) he cannot focus on written texts very easily or for long and written words on the page "disappear". Hence Tony read the bulk of Terry's written speech.

    Terry Pratchett forgot it was on.

    I hope you come to wish you'd forgotten to post that!

  5. All those Celtic c***s that have turned up to Celtic Park to greet and sing Keane's name. Get a life you morons.

    To be honest, I have no problem with the 'T(h)ic fans at Parkhead. If the bunch of numpties want to stand outside their clubs' stadium for a few hours in the freezing cold until they get a brief glimpse of a fading, ageing overpriced footballer waving to them before heading off in a limo to his luxury hotel leaving them to traipse home at around half-eleven at night through the East End of Glasgow until they get back and try to thaw out in front of the fire, fair play to them.

    I'm in the warm, with a full tummy, loafing on a comfy sofa and about to watch a really good TV programme.

    I know who's better off between those two scenarios.biggrin.gif

  6. Heads up, people:

    BBC1 10:35 this evening.

    The Richard Dimbleby Lecture 2010: Shaking Hands With Death

    Sir Terry Pratchett discusses how modern society deals with death.

    Its should be highly entertaining and informative and I thoroughly recommend it, particularly if you are studying humanities or medical ethics.


    Edit: The main address is read by Tony Robinson on Sir Pratchett's behalf as he is too frail to cope with the whole thing - and -

    It's the prgramme before Sportscene if you need any more incentive to watch.rolleyes.gif

  7. I've just discovered that "double-clicking" the home button on my iPhone brings up a handy window for controlling the iPod.

    Thanks for sharing that, I'd never have known! Only works when it's locked though, otherwise it takes you to your favourites.

    If you go into Settings -> General -> Home, you can configure it there.

    Turning iPod Controls on means that when music is playing, the double-click will always bring up the wee box (and when the wee box is open, a shake shuffles as normal). You can select a different function for when music isn't playing as well.

    E-chat forum for this pish!mad.gif


  8. Some Cabinet papers have been made public from 1979.

    Every news report now has a feature on Margaret Thatcher's 1979 strict election diet (two hard-boiled eggs and lettuce for lunch), her pencil corrected "who's in, who's out" notes for forming her first Cabinet, her "stiff" letter to Brezhnev about Russia's invasion of Afghanistan and, of course, the ubiquitous "Iron Lady's Handbag".

    It is beginning to impinge on my usual carefree Joie de Vivre!

  9. On behalf of the sadly missed Capybara - 'Mon Hearts!biggrin.gif

    I have placed an online order for a DVD as one of my presents to her for my daughter's birthday.

    Her birthday is on Wednesday.

    Depending on the efficacy of the seller's post and packaging, the Royal Mail's sorting skills and the fleetness of foot of my postie, this will either become a RTBC or a PTTGOYN.rolleyes.gif

  10. Douglas Murray is coming over as a sensible individual precisely because he's a Tory.

    Oh how I wish for the early 1980's when I played in a support band to this lot, who performed as their alter egos Walnut & the W*nkers when I knew them. For some reason their three short, sharp punk songs immediately sprang to mind as this thread got gradually taken over, especially the last one.....


  11. Getting some heart scans today. Not only that, but I need to get the bus there which is only one an hour. 50 minutes on the bus, and 45 minutes before I start the 37 year wait to be seen. I'd be as well committing mass suicide.

    If it's a simple ECG, you'll be in and out in 10 minutes. About 12 sticky patches with wires stuck over your chest and ankles and a wee lie down while the machine monitors your heart rate.

    Just don't laugh or move about and you'll be fine. I can't answer for your buses though!rolleyes.gif

  12. I have got the car situation sorted, just the license part which is the problem. The DSA don't like me very much wink.gif

    If you pass before 9th February, is there any chance of a lift to Annan and back?!unsure.gif

    I have the licence part sorted, just the car situation whihc is the problem.

    I passed over a year and a half a go and started lessons just after my 17th birthday... im 20 now. Ah 21st birthday in November may see the end of this dilema.

    My boy is 17 and I have the distinct feeling that will be his problem too!sad.gif

  13. Let's just set a couple of things straight here (or in your case, have straight sections then random 3 year old crayon squiggles joining them up)...

    I have never, and will never, wear a Doctor Who scarf.

    Secondly, you're a 60 or so year old man giving "negative reputation points" to someone under 20 over the internet. Pathetic doesn't really do you justice.


    He's getting older though, so will have to be subbed soon. I've still got time on my side unsure.gif



  14. The whole 'passing my driving test' plan isn't going very well..

    Don't say that. My son is starting lessons and I was hoping he'd pass before the end of this season so he can give his Dad a lift to the football.

    Although the fact that he hasn't got a car could be a stumbling block to my master plan.....sad.gif

    Stick with it mate, I'm sure you'll get through okay!wink.gif

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