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Everything posted by Pesadilla

  1. The "ting, ting, ting" sound of coins hitting the fence and dodging lit fags and double A batteries when there was a goal. Them were't days.
  2. First time I've listened to the podcast. Usually can't be bothered with stuff like that but I've got to agree with Colin Telford's 10 minute tirade at the start. There's certainly a bit of an atmosphere surrounding the clubs relationship with the fan base. The change in relationship with the trust being the most obvious. There are fans who've been season ticket holders for 20+years who've not renewed. I sat in the pub on Saturday with at least two other Airdrie fans who just couldn't be arsed going up to watch the game. The quality on the park is just so poor, though I do accept Saturday may have been better, I don't accept the assertion in the podcast that we've any strength in depth. The midfield is devoid of any creativity whatsoever. I don't know what the answer is, though I don't think we'll be winning anything with the likes of Millar in the middle. Good points raised about the passing from the back option. Fine to do that when you've skillful players, but for all his attributes, expecting Sean Crighton to play us out of possible danger is mental stuff. Mention on it of some fans being hit with lawyers letters on behalf of the club, WTF is that all about? And here's the problem. I'm not on Facebook but if folk are getting lawyers letters from the club for what's being said on the Wild West of the internet, then there's a massive issue. Surely no-one can be saying anything that bad which would warrant getting the law involved. There seems a bit of petty behaviour, from what I read and I've heard personally coming from the club and we aint gonna win the stay away fans back through that sort of stuff. I'd like to see Hetherington take part in the podcast so we can hear his vision for the club. Maybe gauge the man on his own thoughts rather than what I've heard - most of which could not be described as a ringing endorsement.
  3. Was on the park celebrating that equalizer. It was unthinkable for Caley to beat us at the time.....then the replay........
  4. A 10-2 rout of QP by ten man Airdrie. David Hutton to get sent off and we chose to play with no 'keeper. Ally Roy with a bakers dozen.
  5. The last few pages of this thread just prove the old adage that we, as a fan base, could not agree on the colour of shite. I agree that the football under Murray thus far has not been scintillating to watch, however, it's not worse than it was under Findlay, Bollan, EWB and the rest of the jobbers we've had over the last few years. To say that Murray is the reason you won't be attending this year is utterly ridiculous given the circumstances. We need to remember that Murray was tasked with keeping us in the league (we were heading down under Findlay) and he's achieved that. I've said it countless times on here - judge him when he's working with his own tools. For me, that judgement starts in the coming weeks. I'm not entirely happy the way the club has dealt with many things off the park. However, they are the current custodians of the club and lot's of folk either need to suck it up or shut up and let the rest get on with it. It's a shame all the trust stuff has happened and I've no idea how that will pan out long term but if we've a winning team on the park then there'll surely be more bums on seats, and that's what we all want.
  6. Agree on Roy. Looks a very decent signing and a massive upgrade on last year. Eckersley looked confident enough and the defence looked fairly solid. It's very difficult to take too much away from games like that as it wont be the starting 11 for the new season. Thought we looked very patchy in the early stages and didn't see the gap in class I was expecting between ourselves and Rovers. In fact I thought they'd the better of the early exchanges - which probably bodes quite well for they're upcoming season, as I think we'll be certainly in the top half of the table.
  7. Wait to see the utter outrage from the rest of the league at our admission prices....
  8. The truth is I've no idea about any of the signings so far. Eckersley and Roberts are the two I'm most happy with given they've had universally good reviews from opposition fans. The Wedderburn signing gives me the fear. I can't remember watching him against us, which maybe tells you about the required level of alcohol consumption needed to watch the Diamonds in the last few years, or maybe that he's not a stand out. Either way, if we wanted someone slow who can spay a pass about, we've got Conroy. The same level of hit and miss reviews came with him, hence the fear. However, maybe Murray can find a formation which gives him some space and he doesn't need to do the running..... That said, nice to get business done early doors. This will be Murray's first free hit at it and now those that don't rate him can start to cast a critical eye over his choices. Hopefully that won't happen and we've challenging at the right end of the table, with what looks - so far - a fairly youthful outfit.
  9. Will be £1 plus paying wages from now. I don't mind him. Has a good engine, can get up and down. Defending has *slightly* improved. Final ball not so. Another "meh" for meh.
  10. Unlike a lot of folk, I'm a bit "meh" about Stewart going. Has the weirdest, slow-looking-but-actually-quite-quick running style. Occasionally very good. Occasionally very, very bad. His name gave him a lot of slack that other players might not have got. Probably best for both parties that he moves on.
  11. Not exactly a hatchet job, and in fact an appeal for dialogue. However, I feel dirty for having read the Record. Away for a shower....
  12. The evidence is clear, if you cant see it then you must have very restricted internet or never pick up a newspaper. They went to the local rag which has undoubtedly caused a bigger divide. If you take a look on the Facebook page you can see what I can only assume if trust members making their own agendas and judging by some of the comments on post about the free season tickets for kids it seems that nothing but the trusts version will do. The club can do no right for these people. I don't read papers nor am I on Facebook. You are "assuming" Trust members are saying things.....so it's not the Trust, it's maybe Trust members..... Quite thin gruel
  13. You just need to go onto the Facebook page and see where the self importance thing comes from. As for a few decent signings buying my loyalty? I've had this stance for quite a while now. Not on Facebook. Have no intention of doing so. I'll have to take your word for it that the Trust board give it large on there. Out of character IMO.
  14. The trust have done a great job in the past and I respect that but the way they have reacted and consequently behaved in recent months is embarrassing, there was absolutely no need to publicise the on goings by trying a hatchet job on the club to the local rag. Dress it up however you want but that's exactly what it was. I've little to no respect for the way things the trust has come across in recent times, there is a massive sense of self importance- ironically what a lot of people (mainly the trust and its members) berate the club and in particular PH for. People who have a different view from the trust and its members seem to be getting told on which side of the fence we should be sitting, not very charitable, is it? How have the Trust come across in recent times to upset you so? I'm not a member myself but do appreciate the effort and time these guys put into helping the club and community. There's lots of positives they've done which has helped shape how the club is seen by the wider public. Willie Marshall, who'd been nothing other than a gent when I've spoken to him, resigned his position without so much as a sideswipe at the club. I don't know what "self important" individuals you've been talking to, because everyone I've spoken to have been nothing but perfectly pleasant. You've an interesting outlook of unquestioning loyalty, bought over by a couple of reasonable signings. The Trust would rightly be berated by their members if not discussing their options in the public domain. They've previously been slated as a closed shop of ITK individuals, but now get it in the neck for speaking out publicly? I don't get that attitude. As far as PH is concerned, yes, he's absolutely entitled to his privacy and seems to have brought in Millar to do his com's. Again, I've no issue with that. However, given what we've gone through in the past I think fan representation is vital for a club like ours. We've had Ballantyne, Wotherspoon and now Hetherington put their models down, only the latter has yet to be tested, but the form is not promising. Some folk on Twitter suggesting that the Supporters Trust will be there to lean on if it all goes horribly wrong whilst simultaneously blithely batting away concerns regarding the current regime - that to me is the most ridiculous of positions to take. As I've said previously, if there's a title in the bag this time next year then it'll all be forgotten about and everything will be hunky dory for the overwhelming majority of the fan base.
  15. There was a fella who now stays in OZ who strung out one of these characters for weeks on end. Posted every response on another Airdrie website long before the days of the likes of Joe Lycett doing it. Was a great read.
  16. Don't think it's very conspiratorial to suggest that the Community Trust is doing some of what the Supporters Trust used to do, and now the money goes direct to the club in the form of free season books for youngsters, instead of being held by the Supporters Trust. In fact it's fairly Black and White......
  17. I'm not ITK with these things but to a casual observer it looks like PH has seen the work the Trust has done, the money generated, and rather than going to the Supporters Trust with a begging bowl, he's decided to do some that work himself. I'm sure there will be noses out of joint in the Supporters Trust and they look to be completely sidelined. Whether or not you think that's a bad thing, there's no doubt the supporters won't be involved in any of the decision making at the club. For the vast majority, it matters not a jot if we get a decent brand of football on the park and have a reasonable shot at promotion....
  18. Don't think that will happen as the "Community Trust" is now doing lots of what the "Supporters Trust" used to do.....without any fan involvement.
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