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Everything posted by Pesadilla

  1. There will be a change in the lockdown rules in that time frame. At the very least it would allow for closed door matches to be carried out. Very unsatisfactory, but much fairer than ending it now.
  2. Again, it's not about Airdrie. We have a shocking record in the playoff and I don't fancy us to get out of this league. I've already said that some prize money should be given out up to the point you could mathematically finish lowest.
  3. Rovers fans utterly desperate to get his rushed through. It's quite a fascinating level of desperation, rarely witness outside the OF.
  4. We have time. There's weeks of lockdown left to work out the detail.
  5. The same applies to every level. There'll be teams with in the Champions league with players of of contract at the end of the season, and sure as shit that'll get played to a conclusion. Of course what we need is leadership from the governing body here. I don't see why the season cannot resume mid-June (I expect that's when we'll be out of this lockdown) playing two games a week to mid-July. Start next season at the end of August. Contracts and shit like that can be worked out under these exceptional circumstances.
  6. I don't think two seasons would be ruined. We get rid of the abomination of the Caramel Wafer cup - that clearly doesn't have fan buy in. No preseason 'glamour' friendlies for anyone. A short break to allow the players some rest time then off we go again. I pretty much guarantee that if Falkirk were above you, you'd be advocating the same thing.
  7. For some reason I thought that was a nightime game. I can remember when Pilvi scored and ran to the crown - it was chaos but very dark? He also used to keep an eye on the Stomp for his own name cropping up. Always got the impression he loved his time with us.
  8. It's not self interest to see out the season. I've already said, we're massive outsiders. Season ticket holders have every right to expect those to be honoured. Sponsors would expect the same. The fairest and most equitable thing to do is see out the season. Teams should be able to apply for an advance on their prize money up to the lowest point they could mathematically finish in their league campaign. I understand you want it called now for your own clubs gain, but you must agree that seeing it out is the fairest thing to do?
  9. Don't really agree with this part of your statement. Leagues have been won by teams, including ourselves, from further back than 5 points with 8 to go. From a morale point of view, a vote for the resolution is a boot in the stones to the players and management team who surely, and rightly, would still have one eye on the title even if we were rank outsiders. This is the reason the vote result absolutely baffles me. Many clubs clearly don't share the fans optimism or ambition, though I do get that many are on survival mode. What I do think stinks though, is the rumours going round that ourselves and Falkirk were pressured into voting yes and Dundee will change their vote for supposed 'glamour' friendlies. It's an absolute shambles and I'd much prefer to see the season out whenever possible even if it means delaying the start of next season/cancelling the Mickey Mouse cup etc etc.
  10. That's why Facebook should be avoided. Roasters. To be honest, we're chasing up teams with bigger budgets, we're nip and tuck (mostly get to f**k tuck).....who'd have not taken that at the start of the season?
  11. Goodwillie will score whether we like it or not, that's his style....
  12. We're on a bad run of form at the moment. We need to arrest this slide pronto as the play-off's are not guaranteed.
  13. Sometimes when you read a thread you wonder if you were at the same game - this is one of those days. Raith started really well and after 10 minutes I thought we'd take an utter pasting. However we got into it in the last 15 minutes of the half but never really looked like scoring. I though we'd the better of the second half too but not a shot on target tells it's own story. I just don't get the "play out from the back" tactic with a midfield as utterly woeful as ours. Raith were well on top of this and pressed us forcing the long ball in the end - we're one down - cut out the middle man and get the ball in the mixer. I've been a supporter of Murray up til now but he's starting to look a bit panicy with a completely unbalanced selection. As for the rest of this thread - what a laugh. Barely heard any singing from the Raith fans so really surprised to hear it was a great atmosphere and that there was sectarian singing! Also heard there was around 25 Raith kicking about the town looking for bother pre-match. Changed days for the cuddly toy outfit of this division. Raith fans are a weird mix of knicker wetting Maud Flanders' and plastic hard men telling all and sundry they'd knock everyone's teeth out. However, it's entertaining and add's a wee bit of spice to the meetings of two clubs who've played each other far too many times in the last 10 years.
  14. Never really got the utter contempt in which some of our support hold MacDonald, we've had many worse players over the last few seasons who've taken far less abuse than him. Maybe it's because he's often flattered to deceive, looked good bombing forward but nearly always missing that final ball, which is the one thing I'd have him working on constantly at training. He isn't the best at the back though, but with proper cover for his runs he should be a decent player at this level, and as he's top of the league, that seems to be the case. He's fallen into the same category as Ricky Lamie who was constantly berated by some of our support before finding a new lease of life elsewhere. I wish MacDonald luck next year in League One......
  15. This is a massive game for us. Win and we're right back in the title mix, lose and we're starting to look cut adrift from the top. Looking forward to it.
  16. MacDonald is pish. I'm not just saying that but relying on the council of a mustachioed octogenarian who offered him up to the stands of the Airdrie support every week. He's either deaf or a shitebag IMHO. ETA "Up here MacDonald!"
  17. Pretty sure someone mentioned at the last home game that the bench were asking him *politely* to come for cross balls.....
  18. Regarding Hutton - he's become a bit of a cult hero for some of our fans, mostly due to a penalty save at Parkhead and perhaps because his reaction drew the ire of the Celtic fans. The last two games I've watched him in though he's been no better than average. Yes, he can be a good shot stopper but his positioning is sometimes suspect and I don't know if he's ever come for a cross ball. For me he's a decent enough 'keeper for this level, but he's far from irreplaceable.
  19. Cheers lads. Always knew you c*nts we're alright deep down. https://www.airdriefc.com/1920news/090120/Diamonds-return-for-striker-Ryan
  20. See McCann confirmation on Twitter. Like that lad a lot and firmly believe he's one we'll be cashing in on further down the road. Probably a victim of his height that he's not playing at a higher level, yet I've not seen him lose a header. Pleased with this business. https://www.airdriefc.com/1920news/080120/Leon-is-a-Diamond Now we wait.......
  21. Pretty sure you'll all be aware, but we're heavily linked with bringing Andy Ryan back 'til the end of the season (thanks for keeping him warm). What's the script with him, why was he not playing for you? Loss of form? Injury?
  22. I'd have thought there were more than 5K the day we won the title at Starks. Remember it well, roasting hot and as nervy a 90 mins as I've ever had. Topped off by a brilliant pitch invasion and folk swimming in the sea. Halcyon days.
  23. Highlights backed up my thinking at the game yesterday - East Fife had a lot of possession but they did nothing with it. A couple of long range efforts, easily dealt with and a header over the bar. They look like a one man band and their one man wasn't playing. We, on the other hand, looked like we could score every time we went forward. First time in a long, long while I've seen an Airdrie team looking so dangerous. Smith and Carrick have an extraordinary work rate. For me though, McCann at LB was MoM. He was bombing up and down and nothing much got past him. Our defence in general was pretty solid. I've been very critical of them in the past but restricting a top four rival to a few weak efforts has to be admired. I'm not one for all the "top of the league" patter - but as someone in the boozer last night said - we should fucking enjoy it while we can. It's been a long time coming.
  24. Jesus f**k. Close thread, abandon match. This thread is an embarrassment to everyone involved. Hang your heads in shame.
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