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Everything posted by Jamie_B

  1. Has anyone ever explained how King intends to get around section 216 of the Companies Act re: phoenixing. https://www.purnells.co.uk/limited-company/creditors-voluntary-liquidations/phoenix-companies/section-216-insolvency-act-1986.html I'm quite sure the SFA's fit and proper test will be circumvented, but the law seems pretty black and white here?
  2. These things seem to happen quite a lot in Dundee. There was a boy in court last year accused of threatening, abusing and stalking the queen and various other aristocratic types in various bizarre ways. His address was in Loons Road...
  3. Ashley basically owns all of one of Rangers' main revenue streams now, is getting his last loan paid off in full with the new one and is gaining the proceeds from future shirt sponsorship. The loan repaying the previous loan thing is pretty fitting. Like a junkie repaying his wonga loan with one from Cheque Centre or something. The actual sum they're receiving here once they pay off the last loan will just about cover payroll. Then what? Rangers are essentially insolvent, but for the loans coming in from Ashley. He now has all the assets bar Ibrox sewn up and enough debt in his control that he'll have complete control in an administration, if it comes to that. The question is, can Rangers - even if promoted - make enough money to sustain themselves and repay their new debt mountain? TV money isn't that much in the Premiership and to mount a challenge they'd have to spend a fortune. That they don't have. It all comes down to what Ashley's long term plan is. Force admin and take control of everything that way? Or just keep them tiding over with loans every few months, the terms of those loans becoming incrementally more favourable to him?
  4. What the Tele copy doesn't tell you is that she's also accused of crying rape when the police turned up-claiming the dead wheelchair bound 90 year old raped her and she only hit him as self defence.
  5. Today's 7am stock exchange announcement - Rangers reject Sarver's second offer because they don't believe it will get 75% approval at an EGM.
  6. One of the Easdale's has today put in a £500k loan to be used as working capital "over the next few days", secured against the money coming in for the sale of Lewis Macleod. Looks like that transfer fee isn't even a sticking plaster...
  7. Stephen Reynolds. He was coming through around the same time as Stevie May but was seen by some as the more likely initial prospect. His goal scoring record was ridiculous at youth level. He absolutely blew an open goal in one of his only first team appearances in the cup away at Brechin and was basically never seen again, and packed in football shortly after.
  8. Cook has been awful so far. Absolute miracle he's not out yet. One tight LBW in his favour, one dropped slip catch and another shocking effort that somehow evaded keeper and slip to go for four. Garbage so far.
  9. As it stands yes, but looks from the "discussions" line that they'll look to resolve it ASAP.
  10. Rangers confirm to stock exchange that McCoist has resigned, has begun a 12 month notice period, and that his salary will increase "significantly" during that period. The statement read: "The Company announces that Alastair McCoist, manager of the first team squad, has resigned. "His service contract dated 28 December 2010, which was subsequently amended, has a 12 month notice period ("Notice Period"). "The Directors will hold discussions with Mr McCoist to seek an amicable solution in the best interests of the Company, and expect to be in a position to make a further announcement before the end of the week. "During the Notice Period, Mr McCoist's salary will increase significantly to £750,000 per annum."
  11. It's not *really* an embargoed document. The Crown and the court won't provide copies of charges on petition in the way they normally will once it reaches open court. But a defence solicitor is perfectly at liberty to let you have a reporter have a look at one, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Whyte's lawyer had let it be seen by the Press. Either that or there was a friendly PF dealing with the case. It could also be that the Glasgow Courts Press Agency, who cover all the Glasgow courts on a day to day basis, have got it from someone they know and distributed the details.
  12. For info, the Companies Act sections he was charged under are 678 (3) and 680, which are basically read together: 678 (3) - (a)a person has acquired shares in a company, and (b)a liability has been incurred (by that or another person) for the purpose of the acquisition, it is not lawful for that company, or a company that is a subsidiary of that company, to give financial assistance directly or indirectly for the purpose of reducing or discharging the liability if, at the time the assistance is given, the company in which the shares were acquired is a public company. (1)If a company contravenes section 678(1) or (3) or section 679(1) or (3) (prohibited financial assistance) an offence is committed by— (a)the company, and (b)every officer of the company who is in default. The maximum sentence for that is two years upon conviction on indictment. I'd suspect that will be secondary to a potential sentence on the fraud charge. You'd expect this to go to the High Court given the sums of money involved, as well as the undoubted complexity of the case, where there is no maximum sentence for the common law fraud charge.
  13. One thing about the Whyte appearance of note. His lawyer was Paul Kavanagh. Paul Kavanagh is the Green Brigade's go-to solicitor, who has represented numerous of their members in bigotry trials across the country!
  14. He'll be fucked this time. Sentenced to a community payback order with a year's supervision in January, so still subject to that order. If he's convicted he'll also have breached that order which is what will seriously hurt him this time!
  15. Playing staff and coaching staff not affected. They'd save the same amount of money punting McCulloch or Durrant, for example, as they would punting ten back office staff on relatively low wages. Shameless as ever.
  16. Irish boys in the seats beside me were raging after the goal.
  17. The Tele is brilliant. They have at least one headline with the word "DRAMA" in it every day. The drama usually involves a cat stuck up a tree or, at best, a square go outside a pub. Furious masturbation over any Dundee/Dundee United youth player every day as well.
  18. My £45 ticket it in a restricted view area. They didn't hold back restricted view and front row tickets-they held back an entire stand of cheaper tickets behind a goal until all (or almost all) the £45 tickets were sold. The communication from the SFA by email insinuated that tickets were selling fast and when you logged on to the ticket portal it gave the appearance that the area behind the goal had sold out. But thanks for your insight champ.
  19. This. I went on about two weeks ago and the only tickets showing for sale were in the top tier of the North Stand. Bought three together there, but they were £45 ahead. Two days later they released the Lisbon Lions stand tickets at £35 a head. Ridiculous.
  20. Calling it approx 53k yes 40k no in Dundee. I'd say that's about right plus or minus 1000 votes.
  21. I'm at the count. I've seen some of the boxes counted in that region for sure. Wouldn't expect final outcome as high as that though.
  22. So... anyway. When do we find out the success or otherwise of the share issue? It closed at 11am. Previous timetable says shares are to be allocated tomorrow at 8am, so presumably they know today if they've flogged enough?
  23. Between now and the end of the month they have two home games-one in the cup which a) won't have a big crowd and b) will involve a split gate, and another league match which will have a crowd in the 30k area-so only maybe 8-10k paying punters. That's not much cash flow with wages due by the end of the month. If the share issue fails then insolvency is surely a matter of weeks away?
  24. I don't, but he'll be closer this time than he ever has before. Much of what's been tweeted from this affidavit is easily contradicted.
  25. BBCBMcLauchlin @BBCBMcLauchlin · 36s Aim is to take Rangers back to " The Promised Land" and " Back into European Competition where the big money is" says Rangers QC So gambling for the big time at all costs is the plan then.
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