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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Tbh, I've never had a game were the AI played well. They're just as bad at going for the power ups. I've noticed a few times them just wondering of to get the 100 boost and doing nothing with it or when they decide to guard the goal and completely miss a piss easy save that a fairly competent player would have got to.


    AI can be terrible - particularly when chasing a ball that's rolling towards our goal.  99 times out of 100 instead of knocking the ball wide they'll hit the ball dead on and smack it into the goal.



    Had a cracking match yesterday but lost 5-4.  Think I'd scored 3 to put us 4-3 up with 20 seconds to go but then had a brain fart and launched a shot from half way into my own goal.  Heck even the AI would have been proud.

  2. Zootroplis - 8/10.


    Surprisingly enjoyed this. Amazing animation and a great film for kids while still enjoyable for adults.  Loved the Breaking Bad reference as well.


    EDIT - forgot all about the DVLA scene.  Think I laughed the loudest of everybody in the cinema :lol:

  3. I've just added you. I'm not on too often either but I'm fine to play if we're ever both on!


    Didn't see that you had added me - will double check when I'm home tonight.   Was on for hours last night as well!

  4. Somebody at the weekend checked into Aberdeen Royal Infirmary saying they were feeling worried.  This was of course then met with "OMG - hope you're alright" "is everything okay?" replies.


    She was getting her wisdom teeth out.  Why the feck you'd feel the need to share that with Facebook I've no idea.

  5. Gonna go for the Samsung Galaxy S6. Pissed off with EE for their shite retention efforts. Anybody ever used mobiles.co.uk before? Reliable?


    Have decided to ignore this and go for the LG G5.  All ordered and arriving on the 1st of April - all for £23.20 a month :thumsup2

  6. Nah someone just told me to go on with the code SANTIAGO and get them haha.


    Ah that's through the Fan Club.  Decent seats?  Did a search online to see if I could find that code but couldn't see it anywhere. Should have guessed that as for the Where's Larry tour I'm sure they used Larry.

  7. Feel like I've reached my limit of how much I enjoy the matches now. I'm awful at doing aerial hits etc and now every game I'm up against teams who are experts at it. Never get a touch of the ball.  Need to work on my aerial ability big style.



    Have started an offline season 3 v 3 but close to giving up on it with my AI team mates doing a great job of always scoring own goals or missing tap ins.

  8. Okay never mind, I bought my tickets tonight on Ticketmaster whilst I was on my break, seem to be going very quickly.


    How'd you manage that?  You in the Fan Club I take it?

  9. Anyone got this for Xbox? My Gamertag is FooFighterCraig if anyone fancies a couple matches some time.


    Myself - spockle9.  I'm not on too often though and don't have a head set but it beats playing with strangers!

  10. I posted recently about my sisters boss being on Facebook and posting shite.


    Twice in the last week he has posted the same status -


    "Anybody up for the cinema tonight?"


    Total replies/likes?  0.



    Pleasing.  He's also announced that he's decided to move on to Instagram/Twitter more so people should contact him on there from now on. 



    Latest Facebook update -






    Still no comments :lol:

  11. Please find this information for me!


    Looks like they are sticking to China and branching out to India with this device but rumours of Europe seem to be false.  gutted as i love the look (and price!)


    Hopefully arrives soon, in the meantime I think I will go for z5 compact as price has dropped, anyone got any experience with it?


    Just seen this on a blog that had written about it being launched in Poland -


    "Xiaomi has been in touch with Android Authority to inform us that the e-commerce site promoting the Mi 5 launch in Poland is not a real Xiaomi site, and that no official plans have yet been announced for a European launch of the Xiaomi Mi 5. We’ll update this article with more details as they become available."



  12. Had my first proper rage moment in this earlier.  Match is in overtime after I spearhead a come back from 2-0 down in the last minute.  It's a 2v2 battle and from kick off in overtime the ball breaks my way and I just need to dribble it to the goal. I line up the shot into the open goal and out of nowhere my team mate comes in from the other side of the ball sending it about a mile wide. 


    He then proceeded to miss the ball off the wall allowing the other team to run up and score. Xbox was off before the replay came on :lol:

  13. London Has Fallen - 6/10



    Loved Olympus Has Fallen and was excited for this.  Of course it's basically just Die Hard in London but it promised much.



    The actual film begins with a drone strike which is meant to kill an arms dealer who of course magically survives and seeks revenge.  2 years later and the British PM dies from a heart attack after some surgery which nobody thinks is supisicous in the slightest.  Big state funeral - all the G8 leaders are there and shit ges down.


    My biggest problem is that not once do they properly explain how half of the terroists managed to be driving ambulances/patrolling streets and even guarding Buckingham Palace without anybody questioning anything. 


    Then we travel around the strangely empty London with Butler and the President who managed to of course escape from every terroist in the City.  There's a few decent moments but the best being the one long shot towards the end as they go towards the construction site.


    It's entertaining nonsense

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