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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur


    Weirdly enough I was looking at that today.


    Is it coming to the UK? Couldn't see a realise date for it.


    Looks to blow any other phone out the water with the price/value of it


    I was fairly sure it said on their website that it was released in the UK on the 1st of March.  Can't say I've see anything else about it.  Phone looks incredible!

  2. I posted recently about my sisters boss being on Facebook and posting shite.

    Twice in the last week he has posted the same status -

    "Anybody up for the cinema tonight?"

    Total replies/likes? 0.

    Pleasing. He's also announced that he's decided to move on to Instagram/Twitter more so people should contact him on there from now on.

  3. World Book Day must be a right pain in the arse for you non-parents.

    Oh no it's been thrilling. I've seen a couple of Harry Potters and also a HILARIOUS picture of a boy and girl pretending to be from the Argos Catalogue as they hold a toaster and an iron. What a time to be alive.

  4. I've gone for an accumulator - Rangers, Sunderland, Chelsea, Dumbarton, Hearts, Albion, Clyde and over 2.5 goals in the Ayr v Cowden game.

    5 on returns just over £300.

    Not going to come in as I've won my last few small bets so my first accumulator in months surely won't happen.

  5. There will be plenty goals at Central Park tonight. Cowdenbeath v Forfar. Not sure on the odds but over 2.5 goals will probably happen.

    0-0 draw anyone now? :P

    Not even half time and 3 goals already. Typical the one time I don't follow up my tip.

  6. The simpler a stag plan the better I reckon. And you need the dominant personalities to hand out the telt to any dissenters from the plan. For example, it shouldn't be open to a vote which pubs are on the itinerary, it should simply be decided be the cool kids and the jobbers just need to go where they're told and be ignored if they whinge or gripe.

    Agreed. In fairness in my eyes on a stag do you go wherever the stag wants to go. I've never set foot in half the pubs we went into as they aren't my scene but never moaned once. Just wanted a pint :lol:

  7. That sounds quite similar to my brother-in-law's stag do, both of my brother-in-law's. The first we all met in a pub in the west end and he decided he wasn't up for it, so despite all his friends and family being there he pretended to have a sore leg after about 3 pints and got a taxi home. I was there with my mate and the stag was the only person there we knew, so we too fucked off home.

    The second we went to the dog track and it was braw, hard to get near the bar for a drink, but otherwise a good laugh. From there we went to Maggie Mays, which is a pub I enjoy, but the stag and best man insisted we go to the club part downstairs, which it being early we were the only people in and they resisted all attempts to go elsewhere or in any way liven up the proceedings (shots, drinking games, actually speaking to each other) so the second half of the night was a complete washout.

    Stag do's in general tend to be shite in my experience. Except for mine. Big shout to Smurph who along with myself was the only person to last the distance and drink til 6am.

    I find that there needs to be some sort of plan needed to keep it on track. As far as I could see this one was meet at Codonoas at 2, go to casino at 7. Fill in the rest on the day. The amount of time spent outside pubs as folk moaned that you don't get good beer in there etc was a joke.

  8. On Saturday I attended quite possibly the worst Stag do in the history of the world. It's a long post so have put it in spoilers.

    The stag began at Codonas in Aberdeen. For those not familiar with Codonas this is a family place with bowling, air hockey, grab machines, crazy golf etc. It's basically for kids and students with nothing better to do. One game of bowling, half a round of crazy golf, 2 go's on the dodgems and that was all we did. Thankfully there was alcohol to be had at the bar there!

    So of course there is a kitty. Before I start I feel that I should explain that I bloody hate kittys unless it's at a staff night out where everybody is drinking the same sort of stuff. As somebody who tends to just drink pints I always end up short changed as folk get doubles in etc. I'm not a heavy drinker and hate not being able to just get what I want.

    This kitty started with a round of pints (either Fosters or Kronenbourg - shite) before heading straight to Vodka & red bulls. I'm not a fan of vodka but fair enough - it's a stag I'll drink it.

    Then all of a sudden the guy with the kitty has gone. He's nowhere to be found and not answering his phone. Turns out he's went off to Burger King and didn't think of telling any of us. Eventually he reappeared but by that point only a couple of us had more drink and most folk were a bit pissed off. Again - it's a stag so let's forget it and just get on with it.

    So we soon departed and headed into town to a bar called Krakatoa (used to be Moorings). This is a cracking bar full of different beers and spirits. The first round? Corona. Fucking Corona. Any beer which requires a fecking fruit to be jammed into it to give it flavour is a no from me. Again I drank it without complaint and asked about the next drink (after topping up the kitty earlier). "Don't worry lads the next round is already ordered" we were told - "ordered it with the same time as the Corona".

    35 minutes later the barman comes over with a tray of pina coladas which had taken him 45 minutes to make. 7 of them and some death drink for the stag which came in a skull glass and actually tasted better than the pina colada.

    Just to confirm - so far I've had: a pint of Fosters, a vodka & red bull, Corona and Del-Boys favourite cocktail and this was over the course of about 4 hours. Wild.

    At 7 we had booked for food at a casino which for £15.00 saw us get 1 of anything from the menu for food, a drink and a free £5 chip. Finally the night started to improve here - we all had the drinks we wanted and it was a laugh. We all went to a roulette table and all put our bets on. Out of the 8 of us - 3 of us won, 5 lost all their money straight away. The stag then proceeded to go in the huff and sit in the corner on the phone to his fiance while the 3 of us who had won were still gambling. I ended up about £30 up, one gained about £10 and the last man standing won about £200 and was fuming when he was made to leave by the stag, who was bored out his tits as he didn't go to the bar for a drink and didn't want to use his own for gambling. It was his fecking idea to go to the casino apparently!

    So where's best to go after this? A gay bar obviously! Never been into Cheerz before but have heard it's good for a drink if nothing else. KARAOKE NIGHT! Straight in and straight back out again. So we head round the corner to Casc. Casc is by far one of the better pubs in Aberdeen if you like craft beers and cigars. Of course once again the man with the kitty decides to order a round of drinks for everybody, totally ruining the whole point of a pub like this by getting the cheapest one with the lowest alcohol percentage. Casc has 20 odd taps with different types of beer that you can try and then take your pick. Clearly he went for the first one he saw and just hoped we'd all enjoy.

    Thankfully it tasted bloody lovely and we were outside in the heated 'cigarden' with beers and cigars. Finally this was turning into a stag party!

    For 1 minute. The stag described the place as pretentious, saying he'd lost his buzz and was away to the Spirit Level down the road.

    Now we've 8 beers out and cigars that really can only be smoked here with a drink, so 6 of us stay and one of the guys goes off with the stag. Not good form letting him go but in fairness most of us were pissed off with him as he wouldn't say what he wanted to do and then moaned at every place we suggested. So we finish our beers and cigars and head to the Spirit Level.

    Now 2 of the guys had already left to head down there so we went expecting to meet 4 of the guys there but there was only 3. The kitty man has disappeared again! This after we had tried to convince him to let somebody else have it after the pina colada round! Turns out he's went and got a train home to Inverurie without saying bye and with the bloody money!

    In the Spirit Level you couldn't move for people, couldn't get near the bar and there was a bunch of middle aged people dancing away to a God awful singer. Not my scene and unsurprisingly not the scene for the rest of the group so we left. The stag was complaining about being sober (after only drinking red bull in the Spirit Level where he was for about 40 minutes) so we went to Triple Kirks. A place where we used to go all the time when we worked together (5/6 years ago) - cheap .

    The kitty man has finally answered his phone and transferred the money back online so we have £30 for drinks (even though there should have been at least £50 in there by my calculations). I ask for a pint and a few of us head off to grab the only table which happens to be next to a table of drunken girls. The stag then comes over complaining that none of us have told them what the want to drink and that we're not having beer as he's not feeling drunk. The outcome?

    Another round of Vodka & Red bulls! Now I'm sitting next to Mr Spoon who I've never met before and appears to have just tagged along from the Spirit Level listening to him go on about the strippers that he recommends for later that night when a round of sambucas appear.

    The final drink would be another fucking Vodka & Red bull before I decided to call it a night. Total waste of a day, waste of money and a waste of what could have been a cracking piss up. Home by midnight as well. After I left they went back to the gay bar before going to the strippers.

    I'll probably get stick on here for leaving but you've no idea how dull a day it was. Can't wait for the wedding day....

  9. Had a couple more games last night. Sure my record is now played 6 won 5, scored 5 and made a couple of saves. One match I managed hat-trick of own goals including a beauty in the dying seconds to tie the game. Thankfully we won in overtime.

    Such a simple but fun game!

    EDIT - forget everything I said above. Just had the most infuriating spell on it when I played 6 games, lost 4 and didn't score any until the last match. Thankfully however a goal straight from the initial kick off relaxed me and I managed to score a last second winner as the timer hit 0 to win 4-3. 3-0 up with 2 mins to go and they clawed it back with 15 seconds left. I basically put the controller down, game kicks off, ball breaks towards me and I just launch it up the field into the empty net. Scenes.

    Also just had a wonderful match which ended 3-3. In overtime my phone went off and I answered so was only half paying attention to the game. Next thing you know the ball is hurtling towards our goal and I end up doing a fantastic bank off the wall to fly across the goal and knock the ball to safety. Absolutely delighted with myself!

    Until I realised that I had just stopped my own team from scoring :lol: Was wondering why I didn't get any credit for an epic save!

  10. is there a genuine reason you have a fan at work ?

    we have some bods that require them due to various ailments - the change deffo seems to be one of them,. and its a health and safety issue...

    anyone moaning about it gets warned HSE and then discrimination..

    so threaten him with HR for office bullying or buy the bugger a jumper

    The office has God awful heating/air con. You can come in one day and find the place is freezing and you have to keep your jacket on, only for the next to be the exact opposite and far too hot and stuffy. I've a fan on my desk that I use to keep me awake at times :lol:

  11. Played a couple of online games at lunch time. Literally first time ever playing and trying to get used to the controls.

    First match - 0 v 6. One guy on the other team scored 5. I spent most of the game trying to figure out the controls. Think I earned 10 points :lol:

    Second match - 4 v 3. SUCCESS! 2 goals and a late winner from a randomer. Jumped out my seat when the keeper missed it :lol:

    Seems a lot of fun and I can't wait to play some more. My first goal was a beautifully executed front flip hit from about 2 yards out.

  12. Anybody else been watching The Great British Benefits Handout on Channel 5?

    Summary - 3 families are given £26k (max family benefits for a year) to sign off the dole and try and sort their lives out.

    So far we've had -

    • One blew most of their money on animals for a party business - highlight being a racoon
    • One family immediately getting their son a PS4 - giving him £600 to complete this purchase. Since then they tried to start their own 2nd hand furniture shop but didn't fully appreciate how long a lease they'd need to sign. Now they've bought a van which apparently will open many doors.
    • The last one is a single mother who has been alright with the money so far. Other than buying all her friends and family dinner and having a birthday party she's been pretty dull. Has applied for 3 jobs

    It's interesting to see how little these people understand bills. One guy actually phoned up one of the shows 'experts' to ask if his council tax bill sounded a bit high! He'd been on the dole for about 25 years and never had proper bills to deal with.

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