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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. There's been an ongoing issue at work recently involving my desk fan and one of my bosses. He sits diagonally across the office but near me and has been complaining that my fan has been making him cold. I politely moved the fan so it won't be hitting him but I discovered yesterday when I came back from the printer that he had moved the fan again.

    Not only did it not face him, it wasn't even facing me. He's a bit of a pain in the arse anyway (on his first staff night out with us he almost bought a round of half pints before I pointed out at the bar that we all asked for a pint) so I'm enjoying winding him up with this.

    He's off today and another colleague of mine decided to give me some advice suggesting I either move my fan to the other side of my desk (wiring means this is impossible) or I get a smaller fan as to not disturb him. She is genuinely worried that an office wide ban on fans may happen as she has seen something like this before with heaters.

    I'll be sure to keep everybody informed as to any developments in this situation. I know you all won't sleep tonight worrying that we'll all lose our fans.

  2. Maybe you just need to be #dece to appreciate her comedy stylings.

    Was she any good in Bridesmaids? I know I've seen it, but seem to have blanked it out.

    I didn't even realise she was in Bridesmaids until I saw her on Graham Norton last week. She played the room mate and was in a few scenes. Think she was alright.

    Quite liked her in Pitch Perfect but she plays the exact same character in every film she's in. Even on Graham Norton she was basically just her Pitch Perfect character I thought.

  3. Bought and installed today. 15.99

    My 6 year old acting like its Xmas all over again. Only 4 more sleeps to go until it can be played.

    Bought it myself earlier. Thanks to a Christmas present for £30 xbox vouchers this is costing me nothing. Cannot wait to play.

  4. Yeh I'm glad that they'll probably have a decent ending. Really enjoyed the episode last night - seemed to have a lot more humour throughout.

    Also enjoying Grace getting a lot more screen time!

  5. It was more the complaints about people you barely know TBH

    I worked with the girl for 3 years so know her pretty well - just felt it was easier to say former colleague as opposed to providing our full history.

    Not that it matters anyway. These were annoying things posted on Facebook so fit in well here.

  6. There's a guy I'm friends with on Facebook. Met him twice - he's the boss of my girlfriends sister.

    Every fecking post he puts up is a request for help or him asking for a freebie. His latest -

    "Glasgow Pals....HELP?

    Hotel needed in Glasgow or surrounding for Sunday 21st to Wed 24th. Can anyone help with recommedations or amazing offers? TIA"

    Firstly use google you lazy b*****d. Secondly stop trying to find somebody who will offer you a place to stay so you save a bit of money. Thirdly - TIA? You managed to type that drivel out but couldn't type thanks in advance?

    I could be here all day posting some of his updates but I really should do some work.

    A girl I used to work with is on a diet. This is well publicised on Facebook by herself highlight the fact she's lost a pound here and there. Fair do's I can sort of understand putting it on Facebook for all her friends to say "oh ma Gawd girl you're gonna be skinny in no time".

    My big complaint is that every day she puts a photo up of nutella saying how badly she is craving it. I've seen Nutella cakes, muffins and even a massive bottle of Nutella go up. Why on Earth when you are on a diet would you spend your day googling for photos of food you can't eat?! What goes through a persons mind!?


  7. Gutted to hear that it has been cancelled. It has lost it's way a bit recently but has still been excellent TV. Losing Kalinda so closely after Will has been a massive blow. Really enjoyed the new season on More 4 so far. Eli stealing the show as per usual.

  8. Considering how much I get the train, I'm stunned I haven't been burned by them more often. There was one though, when I was waiting for the train, and about 20 minutes beyond the time when it was supposed to arrive, I decided to try and contact them using the services they have for that at the stations. They very quickly told me the train was cancelled. Which wasn't relayed to us at the station, despite having the capability to do so. And also meant I couldn't reach another station in time.

    Clearly doesn't wear a sheep costume on the train.

  9. Quite a few folk on my timeline seem to have changed their profile picture to one of them as a child. Is this something I've missed?

    I asked my girlfriend the same question yesterday - something to do with this being throwback week.

    I'd love to meet one of the sad sacks that makes up these days/weeks. NATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY - get a fucking grip.

  10. Thomson has done okay in general. Brownlie has been quite poor I'm afraid.

    I've only seen 2 games, but by match reports Thomson has done OK (he's been first choice all the way), but Brownlie looks like the type of player you would expect to get from a team that conceded 100 goals last season.

    Good to hear Robbie hasn't been too bad. Brownlie was a strange one. Really rated him when he was with us and thought he'd be fine for Queens.

    Thanks for the replies though. We'll easily take them both back!

  11. Heating is broken in our office but is working fine upstairs from us. A guy has come down to fix it and rather than just letting the guy get on with it half the people here are offering their thoughts on what the problem is. He's getting clearly pissed off that he keeps being asked if upstairs having heaters at their desks would cause our heating to pack in.

    Just get on with your work and let the guy do his! (ironic as I sit on here I admit :lol:)

  12. Having a boring day at work and stumbled across this review of the Kids Talent Show episode. If you haven't seen it I strongly advise you find it online.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys.. But just watched the MOST TASTELESS show EVER!!!! You did one on a kid's talent show... that was absolutely TASTELESS.... You have no IDEA how bad you've hurt those kids self esteem... That's just NOT funny at all... If this is where your show is going... I'm going to stop watching. And will tell all my friends on FaceBook just how tasteless you've become... Come on guys.. Really?? If you need ideas... contact me... seriously... I love what you do... but funny is funny... but lower a child's self esteem, which is usually low to begin with... that's just unacceptable.. How would you like it if someone did that to your child?

    Ignoring the fact that the kids were told beforehand and were probably thrilled to be on TV?

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