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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Think the show is taking a lot of undeserved criticism. Have seen people on Facebook saying that they've copied all the old stuff and it's a joke that they didn't try to change the format.  Can guarantee if they did change everything that people would be moaning saying why did they change it!

  2. In fairness I didn't think it was that bad. Evans was a bit shouty but I enjoyed the most of it. Le Blanc was entertaining and I'm sure it'll gel.

    People will be comparing it to the old top gear which I didn't think was any good in its 1st season. Give it time.

  3. Only problem with that is they're not all league winners, some of the leagues aren't finished. Wales is covered by Leicester despite The New Saints winning the title and there are also no Orkney islands but who really cares about them.


    Doesn't detract from the fact that it is still cool :P

  4. Boaby: Now listen, see the regulars...they can be sarcastic b*****ds so don't take any pish off them, I never dae

    Eric: Hello Boaby boy, you look like a prize w****r


    'He said Et tu Isa. I never ate two ae anything'



  5. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 7/10.  Tina Fey stars as a journalist who is sent to Afghanistan to cover what's happening out there.  Pretty enjoyable film which features Martin Freeman with the most stereotypical Scottish accent of all time, Margot Robbie (not in it enough), Billy Bob Thornton and that "hot guy from Home & Away" (according to my better half).


    Funny and well written.  Slow start but picked up enough to get high marks from myself!

  6. This game nearly caused me to kill my brother. Had it on ps1 and had turned Bolton into a powerhouse, top class stadium the works. I'm usually terrible at management games so I was very proud of my achievements. I came in one day to see my brother playing it, not using my Bolton team but I was sure it was my memory card that was in! The dopey b*****d had saved over my glorious achievements.


    My brother nearly killed me for a similar memory card gaffe.  He had been playing Final Fantasy 8 for about 8 hours straight in my room while I had been out at football.  Basically I went to plug something in and accidentally unplugged the playstation plug.  Next thing I know the controller is flying across the room towards my face but was thankfully plugged in. Turns out he hadn't saved it for about 3 hours and had defeated a couple of bosses :lol: He was proper fuming with me.


    Quite right too. If it had been the other way round I'd have thrown the TV at him :lol:

  7. LMA manager. What a game.


    Superb game.  Only had one of them and it was the 05/06 season.  Whenever you took the Cowdenbeath job (instead of Mixu Paatelainen who was real manager) you would end up with Mixu as a striker who banged in the goals for a season. 


    Fairly sure we also had a James Allan and a James Cumming in our squad - James Cumming changed his name to Allan before the season started so we had a double player!  Now of course he's the lead signer of Glasvegas. Not that that is relevant.



    Used to also love being able to add in cheats to the game.  The superstar cheat meant every player in your team went from a diddy into one of the best in the world including all your youth players.

  8. Only started watching this a couple months ago when I was on Netflix trying to find something to watch to pass the time.

    Now I'm caught up with the US broadcast and only have 2 episodes left before it's all over :(


    I was going to catch up online with the latest ones but decided I might as well stretch it out so it lasts a bit longer.  Missed last nights one but will get it on tonight.


    Spent ages trying to figure out who Judge Schakowsky is.  It's the guy in Happy Gilmore :lol: Have spent ages trying to figure out where I recognised him from!

  9. If Stewart goes, I'll wish him well as long as we get good money for him.

    Although with only one year left on his deal we aren't in a great position to demand mad money.

    If he does go I'd like to see the lad from Dunfermline come in - El bahctouie (sp?????)


    El-Bakhtaoui.  I reckon Dundee would be after him this summer but he's more a replacement for Hemmings than Stewart.

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