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badgertheeuro24witness last won the day on May 1 2018

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About badgertheeuro24witness

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  1. Just had a look on footballkitarchive, 2002 appears to be last time they released a white home shirt.
  2. Can anyone remember when Austria switched to red home tops?
  3. You can say what you want about his lack of physical presence, lack of goals etc but what a fucking fitba player Billy Gilmour is. An outstanding football brain & levels above most of his team mates.
  4. 'Cheeky' John McGinn will show up at a press conference, sporting a t-shirt with "Haggiswurst" on the front & sipping from a can of Irn Bru. We'll all laugh before moving on to a 1-3 horsing by Switzerland. The fans will continue to receive praise, though.
  5. Aw shite, I've just listened to Caledonia, Dignity & Dry The Rain in quick succession. Now I need to start drinking & it's too early.
  6. As opposed to terminal decline.
  7. A definite Tennant-era feel to this week's effort. Felt I was watching a rushed reworking of the Human Nature/Family of Blood story. Still great fun, though. Gatwick is an excellent Doctor.
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