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Everything posted by DeadStar

  1. Took a trip to A&E and the nurse (who was probably the most sound person I've ever encountered in a hospital)* said that it probably wasn't broken and just a very bad sprain, the cast had moved and was if anything hindering the wrist healing. Also the guy noticed the past 3 times we had been to get a new cast, the wrong cast had been put on. All in all, a bit of a waste of a trip, but nice to have a bit of peace of mind. And my girlfriends loaded up on Tramadol now, some street value on the stuff. Thanks for the help P&B, f**k yer NHS24! *Insert Ultrasound guy joke here.
  2. Hello, A wee question for the nursey/doctory types on here. My girlfriend broke her wrist around two weeks ago, and the last few days her fingers look a bit swollen and are sore to move, should we be looking at a trip to A&E or wait for a GP appointment on Monday? Cheers.
  3. My girlfriends been away on holiday with her family for 2 days now, and I must have had at least 6 wanks. Bored as f**k when theres nobody to talk to,
  4. Got people coming round to view my flat tomorrow, and my flatmate has fucked off away out drinking while I'm left to clean the place. Happens every time we have the landlord round too. c**t.
  5. The clouds over Edinburgh look frightening the now. Scuppers my plan of a hangover McDonalds. Right on queue. Pishing it down.
  6. Stuck in Bon Jovi traffic trying to get home from work. Considering getting off the bus and walking the rest.
  7. Get the adblock addon for your browser, no more ads ever. Its the best thing going.
  8. Andys punching above his weight tremendously with her.
  9. Its to do with the outer electron orbitals of the atoms of said magnet and how theyre aligned. Each of the atoms have a north and south side, and if they all align, one end of your magnet will become a north pole, and the other a south pole. I think, been a while since I covered this.
  10. Might be your kind of fayre, but I was looking for something a wee bit nicer pal.
  11. Can anyone recommend somewhere to go in the centre of Glasgow for lunch?
  12. People who protest about "the cuts" are c***s. What are we going to do otherwise? Rack up even more debt? Cuts are necessary, stop being c***s about it.
  13. Oasis are ok. Nothing more. Oasis fanboys are cuntos. Older people are being greedy by not retiring, and keeping the jobs for themselves. After the age of 60 older people should have to resat their driving test every two years. All of the bands that came out of Manchester in the late 80s, early 90s (stone roses etc) are fucking shite, and the people who enjoy that music are bucket hat wearing fifa. Benefits should be stopped for those not wanting to work, and live off benefits the rest of their lives. These people should be sterilized so they don't bring up 5 children with a shite attitude to work. It should be legal to belt wee cheeky neds. Useful degrees such as engineering or science should be free. Completely useless ones like art or media or drama the student should have to pay for.
  14. Managed to avoid the Champions league final score all night (I have it sky plus'd, and I was working) until I walked in the door where the first thing my girlfriend says to me is "Can't believe Barca won 3-1 huh". Raging doesny cover this.
  15. Went to see the Hangover pt 2 tonight. Total total shite. I loved the first one too.
  16. Spurred on by the Buckfast or MD thread on here, I decided to tan a bottle of each last night before I went out. Two hours later I'm thrown out the nightclub for being steaming, and spewed all over the back of a taxi. Never again.
  17. Excellent news chaps, thanks to all involved. Right up ye Phoenix, ya negative c**t
  18. On my drivers license it says 03-10-1990. Surely can be mistaken for the 10th of March?
  19. When I go to New York, I'll still only be 20, but the drinking age is 21. Could I just convince them the date on my drivers license is in their format, ie MM-DD-YYYY, making me over 21?
  20. 6.30 starts. I go from exams to getting up even earlier. No justice in the world.
  21. Having a cheeky Tsingtsao (or 6) to celebrate exams finishing.
  22. My Manager at works put us in on Saturday and Sunday, despite me saying I couldn't work them (Scottish cup final), and nobody wants to do a shift swap with me.
  23. Is there a similar program like couch to 5k for cycling? I hate running, but I think I could really do some damage on my bike.
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