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Everything posted by Islay

  1. If they were offloading the high earners like Kirk and Gallacher then I could understand bringing in someone who will be a lot cheaper that has sell on value (like this player potentially has), however there is no hint that either of them are leaving. Hrivnak has proven to be a stable replacement for Gall when needed and Kirk contribution this season has been one goal against Dumbarton, apart from that he has been very poor.
  2. The three that stood out in my mind before I opened this thread. Good to see other people have already given them a mention, I can't recommend them enough.
  3. It's one of my most earliest memories of death, the entire situation has always been vivid in my memories.
  4. Given the current state of affairs any sensible person would budget for lower crowds and if you get more than expected then it's a bonus. How can you seriously make the same mistakes over and over again?
  5. I have helped out Rovers in the past by going to their games that didn't involve Dunfermline. We are all football fans after all.
  6. You do realise there is more at EEP than just football players?
  7. That's not the point though. We picked them up from either the Second Division or for free, they are hardly high calibre players. It's not this season that has fucked us, it's the previous years of mismanagement from Masterton and Co that have contributed towards that.
  8. Allegedly the Purvis Group will be fronting the cost of the USH so we don't need to worry about that aspect. Allegedly.
  9. But did it? The youth coaches are part of the U20 set-up as well. I'm not going to argue about why the money was actually given to the club, I just want to know if it has actually been used for the purpose it was donated for. Apparently it wasn't.
  10. Yes, I know it has. A bit of clarity saying this is the case would be welcomed. If they were more honest then they would gain more support.
  11. One of the Pars youth coaches informed me that he has not yet been paid, which is as good a source as you will get. I agree with the sentiment though, the board needs to clarify what is exactly happening. Where did this 4k that was raised actually go?
  12. That's assuming the plucky underdogs don't pull off a shock! Although from what I have witnessed of both Dumbarton and Hamilton it will be an epic upset. Is there not a free Saturday when the game could be played, for example when the Semi-Finals take place assuming we go out in the Quarters?
  13. I'll summarise it for him: brought us to the brink of ruin!
  14. That's what I'm hoping for, he is a Pars fan after all. However he is also a businessman, one whose companies are in a hefty amount of debt.
  15. This scenario has taken on a mini-snowball effect. Pars fans and even fans of other clubs have helped to distribute this PM around to those who have requested it. It's appreciated as we have had a fair number of requests so far.
  16. Renegade's take on it, along similar lines to what he posted in the thread that was then quickly deleted: "It is nothing to do with Gavin Masterton on paper though DA Go, EEP Ltd have 2 directors Karen Masterton and Tracy Martin.That is where I keep getting told it starts getting confusing, DAFC have a long lease and pay rent to EEP each month (allegedly) if DAFC were no more then EEP Ltd would have no sitting tenant. Any Newco would need to negotiate with EEP ltd for a new lease.But if EEP ltd choose to sell EEP to say Charlsetown developments ltd for a nominal fee they could, if they then applied for planning for 240 properties, the bank would then be very happy as they would have a chance on a return on their money! Why else would such a huge amount be lent against such a small amount of sitting capital? Remember Craig Whyte bought Rangers for a £1 and walked away with millions!" That and the figures above make interesting reading.
  17. I would have to clear it with my work but I'm up for it. I'm a good looking lad with a beard.
  18. I'm confident the PM contains a summarised version of information that I read, one from a source that was deleted by the individual himself after being available to view for around 5 minutes and the other from a source that was censored by someone not long after it was posted. I don't doubt the authenticity of either source, nor do I believe they would be looking to cause harm to DAFC with the points of view they expressed however controversial they may have come across as. One part of the PM could be considered contentious, I don't believe it's slanderous. The other points are perfectly feasible and a cause for concern.
  19. I don't know Cambozpar. His first hypothetical point is incorrect though as we have paid Cowdenbeath the money we were due them.
  20. They obviously deleted the .net message for a reason, it didn't last very long at all. Probably a bit too close to the truth for it to be in the public domain. Hence why I'd rather keep it to PM's here atm until it all becomes a bit clearer and the club actually start being straight with us. I've got enough to worry about without adding a tedious exchange of pointless emails between Solicitors. Out of interest, who hasn't received a PM with my summary of the two posts that I read?
  21. A group PM can only hold 8 I believe It's fine though, I've sent one to everyone that asked. I'm sure I managed to get everyone.
  22. I felt a little sad inside when I read Honk's post at midnight. Then I read Renegade's and everything that Honk had speculated on became clear. When you break it down and rationalise it, it all makes perfect sense. Although obviously I hope it's not as bad as that, I really do fear the worst.
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