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Everything posted by Islay

  1. Rent is 40k per year I believe. There is a detailed document somewhere online that describes the situation with the stadium, I'll see if I can dig it out.
  2. They should just ignore it and continue to work on the good foundations they have laid out so far, no point responding to tear-strained rants. Also I completely disagree with Pars Fan above regarding the plastic pitch. It will make us money in the long term, we should be aiming to expand and build on every revenue stream possible.
  3. Judging by the photo it isn't Mackay unless he has shrunk considerably in body mass.
  4. Scully or Mackay? I believe the Scully deal is all but sealed so would prefer it to be Mackay. The wide player should be signed up by this week as well - hopefully Andy Stirling.
  5. Is your local area where the Subway is situated densely populated with Muslim's? If it isn't then they will probably still sell Ham and Bacon because there isn't a 'strong demand' to remove it. I use the term 'strong demand' lightly, it was a genius bit of wording by the Daily Mail to spark a response and judging by the uproar around the internet it worked.
  6. Alloa. My ideal league for next season is Dunfermline, Cowdenbeath, Raith, Falkirk, Hibs, Hearts, Rangers, Dundee, Livingston and Dumbarton.
  7. No that's against the rules. DAFC pride themselves on playing within the rules at all times!
  8. He's literally red carding anybody who has heard the rumour and then comes on and mentions his name no context, no explanation just -
  9. "Posts getting removed that may be damaging to the club And some folk not taking the hint" What's damaging the club?
  10. Complete censorship on .net now, no form of discussion regarding the situation will take place on the forums it would appear. It would be a fantastic signing, I'm assuming I can say that without lawyers hounding me?
  11. If the Courier run the story there isn't an awful lot we can do about it. If we sign Hemmings and make it to the play-off final with Cowden then there would obviously be a conflict of interest there, they couldn't possibly play him given the circumstances.
  12. Aye it is apparently. Still, why the metdown on .net? Possible legal injucntion? Are they fucking high?
  13. Grainger could have pulled out a cigar and a seat for the games he has played on so far, absolutely strolled it.
  14. We failed in a bid to sign another Premiership player as they didn't want to drop down two levels like Grainger or Forbes, so apparently there are still some funds available in the pot - we should be fine with what we have though. Now it's onto the play-off's and this time hopefully injury free!
  15. Jefferies has pulled off some quality signings for this level! Well played Jim, well played!
  16. Source? Or did that start with me on .net by saying he was available? Jeferries has had him at training with us before he signed for Thistle so it's a possibility now that Thistle have released him.
  17. Of course he could, Jobby is just being a tad dramatic. He would be an excellent signing for this level and would bring a wealth of experience - he would be the oldest player in the squad. I'm not counting Dargo, his playing days are behind him.
  18. Agreed. I've yet to see this dud of a 'keeper according to Thistle fans, he has been tremendous for us so far this season. If we do sign Page then it's hardly the end of the world, we need a body for six months as we are now having to play 18 year old midfielders at centre half. He gets until the end of the season to prove himself, if he comes in and is hopeless then he obviously won't have his contract renewed. That's assuming we sign him, there are around four other possibilities that we could be going for who are in a similar situation to Page.
  19. With Dunfermline currently on a 9 game unbeaten run, not counting the Rangers defeat, a 25 point deduction for Rangers would certainly make for an entertaining and far more balanced end to the season.
  20. http://dafc.info/forum/read.php?f=1&i=1350337&t=1350337 Anybody up for this?
  21. Jefferies signing policy has been sound so far, I trust him to make the correct judgement call.
  22. Gill is 15, Wilson is 17, Goodfellow is 19 and Scully doesn't belong to us. Seems reasonable enough to me.
  23. Merry Christmas bud, and cheers for the present
  24. The original is a classic and is a game that I shall never part with.
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