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Everything posted by graeme_p

  1. The name of the person waiting in the wings is Bob Purvis. It always has been. He is not a stupid person though. He was never going to buy the club until it is a viable business. By viable I don't mean running at a profit. I mean that it suits his group of businesses to have DAFC in them.
  2. Is it possible that admin is a way of sweetening the deal for a buyout. The big stumbling block seems to be the big BoS loan and the seperation of stadium and club. If admin makes the big loan reduce and can somehow impact on the Stadium debt you would have a viable business for the white night to save.
  3. Purvis really is leaving the "Night in shining armour" act to the very last minute. Either that or there is something so horrendously wrong with the finances that no-one could ever save the club. I still can't see liquidation happening. If your club goes tits up (I hope it doesn't) but every Board memebr that sat idly by and let masterton do his thing is culpable as well..
  4. Why are the rumours now that Purvis will step in? This was always going to be the case. Realustically the pars were NEVER going to disappear. This is all about who has the meanest poker face so that Purvis can get the club in a deal that suits him and his group. The fans have been played like a fiddle to provide the necessary public outrage and media support. It has demonised Masterton and co so that Purvis can get a cheaper deal.
  5. I honestly dont think this is over. I know some people with contacts to the Purvis group have been involved so far. I have a very strong feeling that this will be the party to save the club. It just needs to happen on commercial terms suitable to them.
  6. So do Sevco still need to apply for SFA? If so can the SFA put conditions on their membership. It would be great to see the SFA grow a pair and state that they can't simply call themsleves Rangers or that they had to remove stars from their badge and alter the image. Just to make sure that the paying public know that they are attending matches of a wholly new entity and not Glasgow Rangers.
  7. What happens if the clubs vote yes to allow Sevco in but no to allowing Dundee or Dunfermline to resign. Would that force the Boards hand? There would be no space for Sevco surely.
  8. There is a statement on the Raith site which outlines the concerns of our Board. Some of the statement mentions lack time to take legal advice. Hopefully we and others are taking advice on what legal action can be raken to prevent this stitch up. Morally we know the rigged vote is wrong hopefully Raith or others can make a succesful legal challenge.
  9. just caught the morning news. The lone protester wearing a Rangers strip at Hampden yesterday. Really the 2004 strip! Typical jaky. Embarrassing. If you knew the cameras were going to be there would you turn up in 8 year old clothes.
  10. Just watched the news and seen your stereotypical orc knuckledragger holding a banners saying rangerd bite back. So my question is What years away top was he wearing?
  11. Fat Sally is a complete tool. He sums up how stupid rangers fans are. Players have no club to be loyal to. Do you get this Ally.Rangers are dead you thick c**t. It is not the same club. its a new legal entity with NO history.
  12. If Hearts want McGlynn the ball is in our court. We name our price which compensates us. Hearts either pay it our not. If they dont pay we dont need to find a new manager. If they do pay up we have a decent amount of cash to stabilise the club. John McGlynn has done a decent job but he has not irreplacable.
  13. Good luck to JM if he goes to hearts. As i have posted elsewhere this could be HUGE for the Board. Turnbull and co better get a decent compensation package for losing our manager and head of youth development. Not playing hardball with their business heads on over this would be a tragedy.
  14. Mcglynn is under contract so compensation would be needed. If hearts are paying then take their money and run. Unless we went for Gus Mcpherson or Daz I cant think of a manager that could have us playing less attractive football or sidelining more of our youth players thsn McGlynn.
  15. Yes forget the 1690 Stuff. its irrelevant (but poetic). I almost means us buying into their bigotry. Farewell to this odious institution.Fair play if yhe newco comes back bigot and baggage free but i doubt it. Thr majority of the orcs are just too thick to get it.
  16. Yes forget the 1690 Stuff. its irrelevant (but poetic). I almost means us buying into their bigotry. Farewell to this odious institution.Fair play if yhe newco comes back bigot and baggage free but i doubt it. Thr majority of the orcs are just too thick to get it.
  17. I still smell something very very fishy about the deal to sell assets to the newco. Whyte has a floating charge over some of these.
  18. on the subject of liquidating rangers. i would guarantee that if i could purchase ibrox and its contents for 8million i would double.my money in 6 months. the price of scrap is staggering. re-claimed concrete is now very valuable, there is tonnes of steel and other metals, commercial kitchens and equipment and all of that before you start specialist sales of the posh fittings,silverware and memorabelia.
  19. forgive me for asking but i am minutes back in the country and i am reading that the transfer embargo has went out the window. Can someone give a quick update without boring everyone. did rangers go to court? what did fifa do? or did the sfa.just crumble?
  20. They can be legal and above board in a financial sense but i believe the sfa rules are different and require explicit disclosure. Its a bit like some diet foods being legal but banned by the sports doping authorities.
  21. sadly i know fifers like Sammy. All inked up in cheap tattoos and union. I can not wait to rip the pish out of every last one of them when the time comes.
  22. Funny just how quiet Jardine and McCoist have become. No clamber for names to be named or transparancy now. How ironic that so much dodgy dealings were lacking transparancy for years inside ibrox. Can some please hurry up and punt Duff &Phelps and shut this club down before it leaves a bigger stain on our game that we cant remove.
  23. was it just me or was name of the program flashed up on bbc news changed. I could swear the news screen called it the men who stole the jerseys.
  24. You have hit the nail on the head and re-iterated a point I have made a few times here. I know for a fact (because i know some of the staff, but obviously won't identify them) that they knew PAYE was not being paid. They also knew that VAT was not being paid or put aside. They chose to do nothing about it. Some of these people have been employed by Rangers for many years so that were not Whytes people. Some of these people wil be members of professional bodies and would have had a duty under that association to bring this behaviour to the attention of the authorites. None of these people are Craig Whyte.
  25. Excellent. I hope many other fans are making their feelings known to their Chairmen. We don't support a business we support a football club who compete with others. All our clubs have been disadvantaged by the cheating of Rangers. The ethos of fair play must be put ahead short sighted business decisions.
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