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Everything posted by Gibby82

  1. A bit of fight in that second half and, as has been said, some in game management. Halcyon days. Still think we’re irrevocably fucked right enough. Individual errors will continue to haunt us and we were fortunate to get away with a few last night.
  2. Livingston tannoy announcing VAR checks on Pacific Standard Time is a good laugh.
  3. Sadat must be a good bet for a red if he’s not hooked at half time.
  4. Maybe as bad as I’ve seen us this season which is some effort. Think we’re defo getting someone sent off too.
  5. Mental how shite we are. Almost making it an art form. The sweet release of death can’t come quick enough.
  6. Aye, can’t be arsed with the bus. Enjoy.
  7. Nice one. Was half considering coming up for that but last train back to Dundee is a bit right time wise. Saw a bit of their set at Glastonbury a few years ago was excellent. New record is a belter too.
  8. Would that mean he could play from next week or still work permit issues to sort beyond that?
  9. Goodwin then ventured north to Pittodrie in February 2022 and, after overhauling the playing squad during the summer, secured 13 wins from his first 21 matches in all competitions this season. f**k sake.
  10. Levein would have rallied the supporters at least. Aberdeen could well pump us on Saturday with Goodwin in the home dugout. Feel like I’m being trolled by a malevolent universe.
  11. One of three. Hamilton is the guy who sold Ninja Kiwi.
  12. David Hamilton, the boy who owns Mackie Motors and another apparently. Hamilton is mates with Levein, interestingly. Both involved at Brechin?
  13. Might be misremembering this but was Craig Moore not a bit of a pudding for Rangers then became a pretty decent defender in his mid to late 20s?
  14. Mulgrew would be an incredibly tone deaf appointment. It’s Mulgrew, isn’t it?
  15. I’m sure someone on this thread said literally this during the first few days of the war.
  16. Where are we at on the grief scale with this Jack Ross revisionism? Bargaining stage I'm guessing. Should probably have been emptied after the shorts and scarf combo. As for Fox, my guess it was some Tam Courts 2.0 attempt - a coach rather than a manager, someone who wouldn't rock the boat too much and a guy who would give the bigger personalities in the squad their place. I would have thought the fact that he's good pals with Ross perhaps should have been taken into account in light of the trouble at t' mill vibe supposedly reeking out the dressing room. It seemed to work for a bit to be fair, the team undoubtedly looked better organised and more industrious and we picked up some good results, at home at least. But the subsequent eye-bleeding clusterfuck over the past month or so seems to have displaced any notions of a half-arsed revival keeping us up. Nae fight in the players and you wonder how many of them will be here next season regardless of league status.
  17. There’s clearly some weird time loop thing going on here and I cannot help but feel that story about the earth’s core starting to spin the wrong way is not coincidental to this.
  18. A 32 year old international keeper coming in to rescue us from a couple of comically terrible goalies and seemingly certain relegation, you say?
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