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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Would love to see a direct copy of this classic...... Thank you.
  2. I really dislike that individual, almost as much as Lorraine Kelly. Thank you.
  3. So, because we've been through this overspending absolute nonsense, we're not allowed to pass opinion on others? I would disagree, and say we're worth listening to because we're fucking experts. You bunch of fruits keep sticking your fingers in your ears, while chanting na na na na though. Thank you.
  4. Excellent, hundreds of thousands more chucked into the tangerine bottomless money pit. Thank you.
  5. Good luck with this fucking clown, easily the worst manager we've had in our entire history. Thank you.
  6. Can see next season being an absolute shit show for them. Ho ho. Thank you.
  7. Never forget him, first sign of bother with admin and he was offski, out the door like a rat down a drain pipe, to Oxford or some other shite, failed there as well. Got long memories us Dee's. Thank you.
  8. Cannot see anyone half decent working for that fatty/ex plod guy. IMO. Probably why they change managers every year. Thank you.
  9. Good shout, I'll put the cat on a lead for 'back up'. Thank you.
  10. Yeah, he's paid the chunt, don't tell me he can walk away with the money, and ebay does f**k all. Thanks for the info.
  11. Anybody been fucked around by morons on ebay? Young lad won a framed signed shirt for £67 starting bid was £50 no reserve or anything. Arsehole then says to him I'm not selling it for £67 it cost me £300, he's an older gentleman. Ebay involved now, he's knows he's not going to get the shirt, but what happens to the seller clown? ebay just shut down his account and that would be it? Thanks in advance.
  12. Yeah, he's a big unit, spot on with the Kev McD comparison. eta. I would build the side around him.
  13. Try to help people and this is the thanks you get, abuse and stupid gifs. Fair enough. f**k the DAB's. Thank you.
  14. Hearing rumours about McGowan, would be an excellent signing. IMO.
  15. He dominated the midfield first half, and his run down the middle led to our goal, he is the diamond in our upcoming youth. IMO.
  16. Wouldn't be difficult, seeing as the DAB's are about 7 million in debt. Thank you.
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