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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Plenty of big games and loads of cash in this league next season, shame they will miss it all.
  2. Well played Barry Smith. also the big bonus of not having to look at Imrie's 'rat like' features next week.Will O'Connor be on? can't wait to have a chuckle at that.
  3. Same here, not ideal though, having a half dead blackbird flapping around in the living room.
  4. Rescue cat, brilliant personality, but about 5% feral.
  5. That would have been the correct appointment, however, they were too stupid to make it.
  6. Hartley hare's barmy army.

  7. I was hoping that Carl was going to get bitten.....proper pain in the arse.
  8. Don't let your arse hit the door on the way out.

  9. Sheriff Malcolm Garden told Smith, whose address was given in court as 22 Bents Road,
  10. Get this Bomber idiot out of my football club. Now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      What is this now? a history lesson you fucking twat.

    3. Slim Charles

      Slim Charles

      get it fucking up you. Dundee deserve that orcish, *** sympathizing fucking c**t.

    4. Bigmouth Strikes Again
  11. Its very nice in there though, I've been a few times for a swim and a sauna, you don't even have to take your own towel, they supply you with a nice fluffy white one.
  12. Yeah, you're right, I've just found out I'm already registered. Must have done it ages ago.
  13. Is there any way to stop cold callers phoning me up without having to pay for this privilege? its driving me fucking nuts.
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