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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Stone Island clothes are usually quite smart but the brand suffers big time from the whole Danny Dyer, casual by numbers thing. I personally wouldnt be seen dead in it but I will concede that is far superior to Paul & Shark. Anyone who pays £75 for a t-shirt that makes them look like an absolute goon is a fucking moron.
  2. Just finished season two. Well worth watching. Easily as good, if not better than the first.
  3. By sheer coincidence Vic's DID appeared as a notification on my phone as I typed the above message.
  4. Vic was on the cover of the NME that week. I watched the first episode and loved every moment.
  5. Every single person with the name "Rob" is an absolute fucking melt.
  6. Yeah. I read it a few years ago after watching the film. I enjoyed it...
  7. Didn't BJM do the theme tune for Boardwalk Empire? I watched film about both bands a few years ago. Dig I believe it was called. An interesting film but most of the members of BJM came across as utter c***s.
  8. Far right? I'd say so. The guy in the middle is even dressed like Hitler.I
  9. 3 episodes into season two. now I gotta say, I love Assault on Precinct 13 and it looks like the producers of this show love it too.
  10. Tooting your horn and waving at people that you don't know while driving around in your car.
  11. I love Blood Simple, even if it does come across like a student project at times. Anything with M Emmett Walsh is fine by me...
  12. Why no Highland league figures? Don't they publish them?
  13. Good news about Milne. He played a huge part in our success last year. I was gutted when he left. I just hope he can recapture the same form...
  14. If only he watched Blind Date, it could all have been so different.
  15. Yeah. Colin Hendry and Dennis Law were the first two that I thought of. If anything. It just confirms that Jim McLean is full of shit.
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