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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Yeah. I remember that too. I'm pretty sure they interrupted the snooker coverage to show it.
  2. This thread is bringing back so many memories of watching TV back in the late 70s and early 80s.
  3. These guys scored pretty high on the q'unt ratings...
  4. It was an animated history of mankind all the way the prehistoric era to the present day. Here's another forgotten classic.
  5. I used to enjoy watching this on a Sunday morning. No fucker remembers it though... Another classic...
  6. If Sabrina Salerno can play a gig in Brechin then anything is possible...
  7. Yeah, it was around that time. I reckon Flicks got left behind when the rave scene became fashionable and people were going to the Rezurection etc instead. Decent wee article about it here... https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/2014/06/04/back-to-the-80s-how-flicks-nightclub-in-brechin-high-street-found-itself-at-the-forefront-of-popular-culture/
  8. It was this building here on Brechin High Street It was a trendsetting nightclub in the late 80s, early 90s. It had a futuristic laser light show and there would be buses from all over going there at weekends. There were often chart topping stars playing gigs there. In fact they would usually stay in the Park Hotel in Montrose. I was having a meal in there once and Sonia was sitting at the next table. It went bust in the mid 90s. It reopened as Arena for a while, but it was pish.
  9. The bottle was supposed to be shaped like Pamela Anderson
  10. I recall one night in Flicks when I got on the Forfar bus by mistake. When I realised I got the driver to stop and ran back for the Montrose bus. It had gone, I couldn't afford a taxi and had to walk home. It only took about 3 hours.
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