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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I had a dunkirk double bill today so... Dunkirk John Mills and Dicky Attenborough display the requisite stiff upper lip in this classic but dated British war movie. 5/10 Dunkirk Excellent, though I'd say I appreciated it rather than enjoyed it. Intense as f**k. 9/10
  2. Attack Force Z Aussie WW2 film starring Mel Gibson and Sam Neill about a commando raid on a Japanese held island. Completely unremarkable but it held my attention. 5/10
  3. Yeah I just saw and I agree with most of that. It was entertaining in a tongue in cheek way but there were one or two small things that annoyed me. I'd still give it a solid 7/10 though...
  4. Carol Vorderman in the council gritter during a disciplinary meeting.
  5. Just got me a ticket for the Happy Mondays in Dundee in October. I doubt if they'll be as good as they were when I saw them at the SECC back in the 90s but I feel obliged to attend.
  6. Laibach - Life is Life I was going to post the video but there's a pair of exposed titties at the start and I don't want the wrath of the mods.
  7. I got sucked off behind this pub when I was younger.
  8. Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky and Mick. Titch can GTF.
  9. Steel Dawn Patrick Swayze kicks some post apocalyptic ass. 7/10
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