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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. This was on the radio the other day. I'd forgotten how pish it was.
  2. Come 'ere... ... and there's more.
  3. Jesus f**k. I left Montrose 20 years ago and dont go back that often. But I had no idea it had been erased from the map. Did Donald Trump do this?
  4. Detroit Hard hitting period drama set during the 1967 race riot. Tense and gripping and has a message without being too preachy. Well made, well acted and worth checking out. 7/10
  5. I got a train from montrose to dundee last week. As I alighted I realised there was a blob of chewing gum stuck to my arse. Some dirty c**t had spat their chewing gum onto the seat. I was wearing a brand new pair of jeans and I was worried that they were fucked but i managed to remove the gum by scraping it off with my Swiss army knife then rubbing coconut oil into the sticky residue before throwing them in the washing machine. What kind of mink spits chewing gum onto a seat?
  6. Yeah. I'm seeing a lot of right wing bloggers and social media types sobbing like babies at the moment. The left won't disavow antifa they cry. Don't they realise that's because the entire planet enjoys watching them get their c***s kicked in?
  7. I'm going to break my own guideline about the artist being successful to a degree. This guy had zero success but his song deserves a wider audience...
  8. Here's Department S star Peter Wyngard with some incisive social commentary...
  9. Yip, and the pained look of regret on his face as he sings just compounds the arse puckering awfulness of the song.
  10. I hadn't heard that for about 30 years and its even worse than I remember...
  11. Dee Dee Ramone thought this was a good idea... The moral of the story... Heroin is bad!
  12. All songs are welcome mate, and that one was suitably atrocious. I lasted 27 seconds before i started praying to god that my ears would heal over...
  13. Who the f**k bought this and made it a chart hit?
  14. It's not just modern country music that is hopelessly shite.
  15. I love it when they shout "LIAR" in the woman's ears.
  16. Some toe curling stuff there lads, keep 'em coming. Former Sham 69 front man Jimmy Pursey once saw fit to inflict this on us...
  17. This thread is a celebration of talentless morons and fuckwits who have released utterly dreadful records over the years. I would prefer songs by acts that had a modicum of success, like radio airplay or an appearance on Top of the Pops, rather than somebody just recording absolute pish in their bedroom. However, feel free to post anything you want, as long as we can collectively laugh at how shite it is. I'll get the ball rolling with this bunch of useless c***s...
  18. Lindemans oude gueuze. I got a couple of bottles this from Brewdog. A very sour lambic beer from Belgium. I like it though it wouldn't be to everyone's taste. Its the beer equivalent of soor plooms.
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