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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. What ho! sickly people of high and low degree I pray ye all be warned by me; No matter what may be your bodily ills The safest and quickest cure is Beecham’s Pills. They are admitted to be worth a guinea a box For bilious and nervous disorders, also smallpox, And dizziness and drowsiness, also cold chills, And for such diseases nothing else can equal Beecham’s Pills They have been proved by thousands that have tried them So that the people cannot them condemn. Be advised by me one and all Is the advice of Poet McGonagall.
  2. I picked up a copy of The Metamorphoses in a second hand shop the other day. I've never read any Kafka before but I suppose this is a good place to start.
  3. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot This is one of my favourite films and I go back to it about once a year. Part road movie, part buddy movie and part heist movie. Its main strength is in the two lead characters. Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges are just so goddam affable that I wish they were my mates in real life. I also love the small town, Midwestern, Americana feel to it, with the endless highways, motels, diners etc. Whenever I finish watching this I always feel like I want more. 10/10
  4. I gotta admit. I quite liked that Airdrie team from the early 90s just for the seeth that they caused. Kenny Black, Sandison, John Martin, Justin Fashanu etc. They were like a bunch of pantomime villains.
  5. Good post. I've been to see Dundee Stars twice this season and as much as I've enjoyed it I still don't fully understand the rules. The game is so fast and with all the substitutions and penalties etc it's difficult to keep track of everything that's going on. I take it by "carry on" you mean all the pre match entertainment? The atmosphere at Dundee is Americanised but I can't say it bothered me. Is it more in your face American at Braehead? If the Aberdeen team get decent crowds then why don't they take the step up into the Elite League? Surely they would compliment the other Scottish teams and possibly improve crowds or are the costs just too prohibitive?
  6. There's plenty of pubs under the railway bridge at Hackescher Markt but they're pretty pricey and touristy. There's a pub nearby called something like the anti-war cooperative cafe. It' s near the flagship adidas store and is full of crusty hippies. I personally prefer to drink in Freidrichshain & Kruezberg.
  7. Biggles: Adventures in Time A bit of a guilty pleasure this one. A 1980s New York yuppie travels back in time to 1917 and helps Biggles foil a fiendish German plot. Suspension of disbelief is required. Corny as f**k and downright silly. But I watch it every couple of years. 5/10 What Happened to Monday? Noomi Rapace plays identical septuplets battling against a brutal government agency who are enforcing a one child policy in this dystopian thriller. Decent but instantly forgettable. 5/10
  8. That is a classic. I love those political/conspiracy films from the 70s.
  9. Not seen it. I'm not the greatest film watcher. It's well worth a watch, as is Blood Simple, these are two of my favourite films.
  10. It I thought it was excellent. Well acted, well directed. 9/10
  11. It wasn't just the #resistance. One of Trump' biggest cheerleaders believed that it was an actual passage from the book.
  12. Star Wars - The Last Jedi Exactly as I expected, an utterly meh storyline and some impressive action sequences. 6/10
  13. Tremors Kevin Bacon takes on a bunch of underground monsters. Enjoyable nonsense. 7/10
  14. Spike Lee is a pure p***k and his "joints" are fucking shite.
  15. I've been a fan of Joy Division for the best part of thirty years but I've only just realised that Closer is a far superior album to Unknown Pleasues.
  16. The Bridge on the River Kwai Classic old school war movie. 9/10
  17. f**k me sideways. I just found out that black lace covered this song. The original was by some Italian fellah. I can't decide which is worse...
  18. Victoria A Spanish burd living in Berlin hooks up with a bunch of grade A twats and gets dragged into a particularly unpleasant situation. The first hour was pretty slow and I nearly gave up on it. I'm glad I never though. It was exhilarating after that. Kinda frustrating too. I felt like screaming at her to just get out of there. 8/10, would have been 10 but for the boring first hour.
  19. I've just started Detroit 67 by Stuart Cosgrove. Pretty interesting so far...
  20. Orwell was a plagiarist c**t. 99% of the public don't know that 1984 is a complete rip off of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.
  21. Kansas police shoot an innocent man dead in response to a prank phone call. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-42523045
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