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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Gazza has now formed a comedy double act with snooker has-been Willie Thorne . Coming to a theatre near you soon. I shit you not...
  2. I'm not willing to try it myself but seemingly lit cigarettes don't ignite petrol...
  3. Now this is completely unforgivable... https://youtu.be/mC5wN1QJf1M Any club that inflicts Daz Sampson on the public deserves everything they get....
  4. Not yet but I'll remedy that situation very soon. I have tried Tailgate Peanut Butter Milk Stout though... It tastes like Nutella.
  5. Anchor Porter I don't normally drink stouts or porters, largely because I hate Guinness, but this stuff is lovely. I generally prefer IPA but I'm keen to turn to the dark side.
  6. Put gaudy Christmas lights all over the exterior of their house.... in October.
  7. Ronin Exciting action thriller starring Robert De Niro as a mercenary in pursuit of a mysterious case. A good storyline, decent shoot outs and car chases, the French locations look cool and Natascha McElhone is incredibly easy on the eye. A solid 8/10
  8. A new one? Yeah, starring Bruce Willis in the Charles Bronson role.
  9. I pulled some rough lass from Dundee a few years ago. Her arm looked like a fucking war memorial with all these names and dates tattooed down it.
  10. I tried reading Slaughterhouse 5 a few years ago but gave up after about 20 pages. It said so it goes at the end of every paragraph. To be honest, that just got right on my fucking moobs pretty quickly.
  11. Boast about how "tough" their local area is. Assume that stuff like violent crime and drug addiction doesn't happen anywhere else.
  12. Tickets sorted for Public Image Ltd in Dundee in August. Should be good.
  13. I blame the elderly. They've had their whole lives to stock up on bread and milk. Why the f**k are they waiting until the snow starts? c***s.
  14. Arming the teachers may not be such a good idea after all... 'Murica
  15. Shit stirring behind peoples backs and spreading false rumours is pretty fucking scummy behaviour.
  16. A mate of mine had a problem a few years ago when his scummy neighbours were flushing used nappies down the toilet. It totally clogged the pipes and shit and piss was backing up through everyone's toilets in the block of flats that he lived in.
  17. This x 1000 Some of the nightclubs in Berlin and Amsterdam don't allow anyone to take photos inside. A policy I agree with entirely. You should be allowed to let your hair down without some snide wee w**k recording it and using it against you at a later date.
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