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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I thinking of going for these bad boys. A total steal at £212. They'd look pretty good with a pair of chinos.
  2. David Goodwillie Big Mags Heaney or Sister Alphonso?
  3. Brunette Violence, religion, injustice, death OR sex, death and glory, and a bit of Radio 4.
  4. Trump Rock and Roll (Part 1) or Rock and Roll (Part 2)?
  5. What brought it on? Is he one of Hamish McLaren's Braintree mates or is this an unrelated nutjob?
  6. I'm in my 40s now and love spending time in pubs. But I'm just not up to it anymore. I get pissed pretty quickly and don't remember going home half the time. My hangovers are far more severe these days too. Middle age has been pretty shite so far TBH.
  7. Antony Beevor wrote a pretty decent Spanish Civil War book.
  8. It's Colonel Hamish Hannibal McLaren looking to get his revenge on P&B.
  9. Death Race 2050 Cheesy remake of the cheesy 70s cult classic. This film is absolutely brainless and absurd with just the right amount of gory violence and gratuitous nudity. If you're a fan of the original you would probably enjoy , if not you should steer well clear. 6/10
  10. Good idea. I'm thinking of something like this... Possibly with some kind of fascistic Judge Dredd style police force maintaining law and order and preventing them leaving.
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