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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I see that there's now a graphic novel adaptation of Sven Hassel's Wheels of Terror. Looks pretty good.
  2. Atomised is my favourite of his, followed by Whatever. Platform is also worth a read.
  3. Elvis and Nixon It was alright. Nothing more, nothing less. Just alright. 5/10
  4. I can see why that would piss her off. I had to switch the film off as all his slurping was getting on my fucking moobs.
  5. I fully expect a good old fashioned P 'n' B slagging for this but I'm going for a pair of Novesta Marathon as my next purchase.
  6. It's a fucking great film. The sequel, Future world, is okay but not nearly as good.
  7. I'm slowly working my way through A Brief History Of Seven Killings by Marlon James, We by Yevgeny Zamyatin and 11.22.63 by Stephen King at the moment. I've almost hit stalemate on all three of them though. I just can't concentrate on a book these days... The last book I finished was Submission by Michel Houllebecq. I'd been looking forward to it as I love some of his earlier novels but I found this one the be kinda disappointing. There'd been a fair bit of hype surrounding this as it satirizes the rise of Islamic extremism in France and the author has been under police protection since the Charlie Hebdoe killings last year. But despite all the controversy I found the book to be fairly weak, not nearly as hard hitting as I expected.
  8. VACATION Half-arsed sequel to the classic '80s Chevy Chase comedies. Low-brow gross out humour that didn't exactly break any new ground but kept me entertained for a couple of hours. 7/10
  9. It's good to see David Hockney is still getting his hole...
  10. The Brand New Testament God exists, lives in Belgium and is a bit of an arsehole in this quirky subtitled black comedy. Some amusing moments but does drag a bit in places. Overall an entertaining enough watch and different to the usual shite that is released these days... 7/10
  11. I'm swithering over wether I should go and see that or not... It's made by the same people who made the "Bad Motherfucker" video... I'm not sure if the joke can be stretched out for an hour and a half though...
  12. That's what I thought as well. The main character was just an unpleasant c**t, but unlike Patrick Bateman or many other movie c***s, he just had no humour or charisma. I quite enjoyed the references to the '90s music scene but apart from that the whole movie was just a pile of steaming shite...
  13. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Iggy Pop - The Idiot Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures The Ruts - The Crack The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
  14. High Rise Not too good, it just plodded along with not much in the way of character development or coherent plot. It did look quite smart but was mostly just style over substance. Scores a couple extra points because Sienna Miller looked incredibly hot... 5/10
  15. CSKA Moscow have been building this stadium since 2007, but it's finally almost complete... The skyscraper in the corner is supposed to look like the UEFA cup.
  16. Hail Caesar! Hmm, a wee bitty disappointed with this. I'd been looking forward to it as I'm a huge Coen Brothers fan but I didn't think it was up to all that much. Don't get me wrong, there was some pretty amusing scenes but altogether the whole thing didn't go anywhere and kinda fell flat. 6/10
  17. Bustin' makes me feel good!

  18. Arbroath played Aberdeen at Gayfield in the Scottish cup in 04/05.
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