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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. The only rhyme that bites Step back while I attack the mic Demon rhymes like a script from Fright Night Wrote like a poet Designed like a sculptor Carved from steel ‘cause strength is my culture - MC Tunes
  2. Another forgotten Madchester outfit...
  3. I voted for the Mondays. The only band out of the lot that I still listen to. I must add though that I hated Step On. Typical that their best known tune would be their shittest. These c***s were London's answer to Madchester. Pretty good but just couldn't live up the hype...
  4. It looks like something fell out of a tree and landed on his napper.
  5. Released on 5th September 1983 and peaked at number five in the UK singles chart...
  6. I'll allow Patrick to introduce this one...
  7. Is this the Elliot Gould one from the '70s? If so, I concur...
  8. I quite fancied a pair of Adidas Oktoberfest when they had their limited release a few years ago but never got round to ordering them in time. I tried to make a similar pair out of both Gazelles and Sambas on Miadidas but it didn't look right so I never bothered.
  9. The Interview A couple of American media types get dragged into a plot to assasinate Kim Jong Un. I'd been looking forward to this after all the controversy last year. Very funny in places but couldn't quite live up to the expectations I'd placed on it. That's not to say it's a bad film though. 7/10
  10. There's a new version out, but I have never tried it...
  11. Private Resort Mid '80s teen comedy starring a young Johnny Depp as a horny teenager ganting for his hole in a Florida beach resort. Trashy and cliched but fairly entertaining and with enough titties to keep things interesting. 5/10
  12. Craig Hill David Walliams & Matt Lucas Justin Lee Collins Harry Enfield Stephen Merchant
  13. I remember Nicks, I'm pretty sure you got them in Stead & Simpson. The ultimate humiliation back in the mid '80s was ownership of a pair of Panther trainers, which were sold in Woolies. They were black, with red stripes. I can't remember if there were 4 or 2 stripes. Woolies also made an anorak that was similar to the Adidas and Patrick cagoules that were popular at the time. In Montrose anyone who wore Panther trainers or one of those anoraks was branded a "Woolies Casual" and was hounded mercilessly for their satorial faux-pas.
  14. HHhH - Laurent Binet A gripping account of the assassination of Heydrich in 1942. This is brilliantly written and is as much about the author's own fascination with the tale and his attempts at researching it as it is about the story itself. It was originally written in French but has been flawlessly translated into English. There seems to be a few WW2 buffs on here so I'd recommend it to any of them.
  15. Exodus: Gods and Kings A fairly typical historical epic from Ridley Scott. Entertaining enough with some pretty impressive 3d special effects. A solid 7/10 for me.
  16. I had a white LeTigre cardigan. I always associate LeShark with Grant Mitchell from Eastenders.
  17. There was a chain called The Turret, that sold all that kind of gear. We never had one in Montrose, but I'm pretty sure they had shops in Forfar, Arbroath, the Ferry etc.
  18. Saw them in Sports Direct for 30 bar a few weeks ago. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/371012952322?limghlpsr=true&hlpv=2&ops=true&viphx=1&hlpht=true&lpid=108&chn=ps&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0-L&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=108&ff19=0
  19. Some pretty cool Puma trainers back in the '80s. Puma Dallas are as smart as anything Adidas have done IMO. They completely lost their way in the '90s with that Puma Disc shite and those awful trainers with the straps. Don't think they've ever really recovered from that...
  20. Benzini! What a blast from the past. I may be straying off topic here but that has me reminiscing about lost labels from the late '80s, early '90s. I'm thinking of Soviet, Ton-Sur-ton, Sonneti etc. Kleim trackies were considered cool for a while as well... A mate of mine spent most of the early '90s wearing black jeans, a black John Richmond Destroy jacket, black Caterpillar shoes and gleaming white Hi-Tec sports socks. My memory may be deceiving me, but I seem to recall that pretty much every teenage bird in Montrose back then cut around in one of these...
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