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Everything posted by Raith_Raver

  1. Indeed. You can expect the ghost of Yoss to rise from woke Hell to issue eternal curses...
  2. I watched the highlights, two quality sides. But the refereeing, FFS....
  3. Dunfermline like Leicester City winning the Premier League in Reverse, open portholes, torpedoed below the waves ffs.... What a load of inane shite
  4. I wasn't the only one, but please explain the connection between Varian surprisingly being on the bench and McGlynn having favourite players, which has often been said. Or like certain others do you just sneer at whatever I post...?
  5. I'll be quoting this this time next week when you're off the foot of the table.
  6. As I've always thought today confirms that BRS is fine at passing about when we're on top but is useless when we need someone to get stuck in.
  7. As we all know McGlynn has his favourites and Bene will be back regardless of how well Lang plays.
  8. Surely you'll leapfrog the 'Ton next week - if you ca't beat them who can you beat
  9. Claims that Dunfermline fans were trying to storm the dressing room at full time !
  10. Gozie equalises for Morton. Pars further adrift at the bottom.
  11. We can't cope well with high pressing tactics. An Ayr goal and we could see anothyer collapse...
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