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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Are there any Catholic Rangers fans out there?
  2. I don't want to be a Rangers apologist but to be fair, every team has it's share of idiots, most of which only turn up for the 'big' games but class themselves as fans nonetheless. In Rangers' case however, their fanbase has a higher scum / idiot %age because of the gloryhunter aspect - idiots seeking some sort of success in their own lives and so on.
  3. Rip Off Britain / Watchdog love this type of thing involving the bigger companies. They'll have them for breakfast.
  4. Cash machines that don't tell you at the start they have no money available. What they do instead is let you put in your PIN, select £50 or whatever and then tell you that 'you are unable to use this service at this time', making you think some c**t's raided your bank account or something.
  5. Once upon a time, some absent student left their computer active so after a while I decided to go on to their user drive, copy everything into a hidden folder and leave only a word document in the normal bit saying "all your files have been deleted - don't leave your account open... only joking, they're in this hidden directory". I thought I was doing good in a sadistic way, but it all went horribly, horribly tits up as I somehow ended up deleting a whole pile of files rather than copying them. I was terrified for the rest of the week that I was going to be caught on camera and booted from the uni or something. I still feel pretty bad about it hoping there weren't any final year reports or whatever in there. I quite like it in some normal libraries where you get 30 min sessions. If there's nobody around then you can just start up another one, otherwise somebody else in need gets a shot. You'd probably extend that for unis though as you wouldn't get much of a report typed out in that time. Anyone on Facebook for more than 5 mins should be punted though. Pisses me of in hostels when you want to check out maps, places to see / eat or whatever but there's always someone sitting on Facebook uploading their holiday pics to show off to the world. F**k off!
  6. I'm munching on a pack of BBQ Mini Cheddars just now.
  7. Gees, and folk at my work got pissed off when the company raised the notice period from from 4 weeks to 3 months!
  8. However, after the last few seasons of rebuilding and still not back to their original strength, they'd still probably challenge Celtic for the SPL title just now if they were up here. The current Rangers squad would struggle in the Championship, never mind the Premier League.
  9. The best wins and parties in football are those from the games you never expected to win. If Rangers go bust proper then I'll be celebrating like Brechin have just beaten Barcelona rather than an expected win against Albion Rovers. (trouble is Brechin have lost to Albion twice this season though so even the expected is too nervy for comfort)
  10. I'll be telling my boss tomorrow that my '3 month' project report will be done whenever I happen to finish it.
  11. As a name / noun, should 'vikingTon' not start with a capital letter? Would be quite rich to slate someone's spelling, grammar or whatever with a username like that.
  12. The SPL clubs should just vote in East Stirling rather than Rangers, that way every club next season won't have the fear of relegation hanging over them, Sky will get four more guaranteed Highland derbies in the 2013/14 season, youth players can get more games and East Stirling can raise enough cash for their own wee stadium. Edit: typos.
  13. The current situation is also a bit Trumaneqsue in that he wants to cross the water to better himself but he constantly gets lied to and told that he can't by others who are only interested in keeping themselves in a job.
  14. Just don't tell them they didna actually win the world cup. That would be too cruel!
  15. Maybe I'm missing something, but why should the SFA have to be 'mates' with Rangers in the first place?
  16. I've been getting database errors too, the same ones I've been seeing on Rangers Media strangely enough. Probably all the bluenoses having a guest view of this when RM's in meltdown!
  17. People that secretly and suddenly appear behind you from a side garden gate or something after you've just already checked that there's nobody behind you before letting of a ripper of a fart. On a similar note, don't fart in the room at work even if you're alone. There's a 99% chance it'll reek and that someone will walk in before it clears with a shovel that you can start digging with.
  18. I see the RM faithful are trying to set up a lottery syndicate. I say we do the same, buy Rangers with the winnings and burn Ibrox to the ground. Who's with me?
  19. People that just don't get pedestrian etiquette. For those that don't, I have drawn a simple diagram. If I'm 'Mr Blue' (stupid choice of colour, darn) walking along the pavement and person 2 will be obstructing me when I pass person 1, then Person 2 should switch sides behind Person 1 so they're not blocking up the whole feckin' way. It's not difficult. Thanks.
  20. Nah, they can just find a new club easy enough. They can be thankful this happened so early in their lives.
  21. We were going to be fined relatively heavilly for playing Michael Paton on loan but got chucked out the whole competition when it turned out we actually did it twice. Same happened to Dunfermline when they broke a series of rules. Using similar hardline punishments, Rangers would be jammy just to stay in the league after uncountable rule breaches!
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