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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. First chance to get some points? The horses are already there.
  2. Expected big things from Stewart. How his form dipped after leaving Killie is a mystery unless he already knew where he was going to end up. Wilson, nah, just nah.
  3. Wasn’t very long. All Cowden fans should be given free entry and a pie ( not to eat)
  4. I’d loved to have seen John Dickson playing.
  5. Different story again. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/uncategorized/another-section-of-a-busy-commuter-road-to-have-speed-limit-cut-from-50mph/
  6. It’s not Westhill that’s the problem, it’s that stupid Kingsford roundabout. As you said yourself most folk don’t even know how to use it. Re the speed limit, as you also know, no one sticks to it or things would be even worse ( it was only reduced to 40mph supposedly to “ protect “ workers building the bypass! )
  7. Greg did OK at Killie, but you are correct, he didn’t look fit. He also didn’t look interested. That is where the manager should have stepped in. He didn’t.
  8. Yes I know TOB is still playing well. It’s no slight on him but I just think Deas is a class act.
  9. Have you still got Tam O’B? Well Deas is much, much, better. Was hoping we’d get him back again, you won’t be disappointed.
  10. I often use that footpath for a run, you won't get four abreast on there unless they are stick insects. I used Thursday because it was bad, very bad. I don't use the road every day and also not at the same times. It's not a "rush hour" any more , many folk start going home before 1600 hrs and start going into town well before 0800hrs which is good, problem with a game finishing is that everyone wants to get moving at the same time. No one has commented on the amount of buses supposed to be getting used, surely they will hold up traffic considerably.
  11. You are correct about the traffic at Kingswells, problem is the traffic from Kingswells to Kingsford roundabout mainly caused by vehicles coming from the North ( Dyce) to Westhill, Banchory etc. They get onto the roundabout holding up traffic from Kingswells.
  12. It like speaking to a brick wall! The dual carriageway will be very busy going to the stadium from town. Not everyone will be walking to the stadium at the same time. At the end of a game the reverse will be true. Folk won’t be walking to Kingswells in drips and drabs. Of course you’d be fine - for now. You still don’t get it so leave it alone. By the time the stadium is built, you’ll be using redundant choppers to transport fans back and forward from town Stewarty.
  13. No it isn't hot lava, might as well be though, it's fully grown beech trees. As for King Street, you trying to compare a city road, with slow moving traffic,broad pavements either side and folk crossing between the cars to a dual carriageway? Save yourself some time and go out to Prime Four and walk to the Five Mile Garage and back then you'll see exactly what the problem is.
  14. Yes, there is a footpath. That's not the problem, folk will have to go in single file if there are many using it. Step off the footpath and you are on the dual carriageway. I only commented on the traffic when the road was busy, between 1530 and 1800. OK, not a Saturday, but nowhere near the amount of traffic going to or worse coming from a football game. Unfortunately, the bypass was already built before the decision to go ahead with the stadium was given. Had it been possible to take the stadium into consideration the whole design of the roads would have been different
  15. You are wasting your time. I 5hink we are communicating with Wi$$y.
  16. Just out of interest then. How much wider? This must surely be documented. These are all questions that should be asked before the stadium is built. More importantly what is to be done about the Kingsford roundabout which isn’t fit for purpose. The Council have admitted that there is a problem there.
  17. You keep asking folk if they’ve been there. Maybe you should have another look. Tell me where in Scotland where there is a narrow path inches away from a dual carriageway, not a “road”, that several thousand fans on foot have to use.
  18. Wrong again. Any traffic backed up to Kingswells would be on the other side of the dual carriageway. The path is on the side going into town, after the notorious roundabout. No one will be going slow there.
  19. Big difference walking to Pittodrie compared to walking along a one and half metre pavement which is also a cycle path alongside a dual carriageway.
  20. If you are going east where do you park? The park& ride? Should be fun walking from there in inclement weather.
  21. Didn’t know permission had been given. Apologies if correct. https://publicaccess.aberdeencity.gov.uk/online-applications/files/D202D67268F622836E8380A4849FF0EC/181336_DPP-Committee_Report-1797713.docx Can’t find anything about all the hotels though.
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