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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. This. Need to see more form him to convince me he is better in that position than Kabia and particularly Forrest who was excellent when he came on.
  2. Yeah I was slightly uneasy with us playing on but referee should have stopped the game. He didn't have a good game at all.
  3. Everything went our way, can't believe we got out of that with a clean sheet... That said, totally deserved given how dangerous we looked on the break again and again. Bailey, Anderson and Forrest at the end were brilliant. We also look so much better with Pittman in the team, he has been much missed. Efe Ambrose was hopeless. As I said before, he looked done at the end of last season was glad we didn't give him a new contract. Looks to have been justified based on today's performance.
  4. Two really nice finishes and an attacking performance I have not seen from us all season. Did not see this coming. Still look a shaky at the back, we need to calm down a bit. Can see us sitting back and shelling long balls at Ambrose in the second half but I hope we don't as Bailey and Anderson have been great with the ball at their feet.
  5. Tell us more Haha yes, terrible shout from me. We look really good going forward, that was a really nice goal.
  6. Don't like that team at all. Think we will lose without scoring.
  7. It may have been mentioned already but it was Steven Saunders who was picked over Lithgow in the back 3, not Brown.
  8. Yeah Brown didn't get a chance with us. Steven Lawless played RWB for majority of that season and it worked out pretty well for us.
  9. Barden is back to Norwich. Parkes is the other player back in training.
  10. I can watch Livingston home games in England on my season ticket. Imagine St. Johnstone would be the same? You can't buy PPV in England.
  11. Our first potato match can't be too far away now, can't wait to see what happens. Given our rotten 05/06, there is a good chance we will have the worst PPS (Potatoes per spell) ratio in Scottish football.
  12. Bartley has just been racially abused and he chooses this moment to try and point score on Livingston's recruitment. Can tell he really cares about the woman and women's rights in general.
  13. Just going to green dot all your posts today. 100% agree with this. Longridge looked capable in a back 3 towards the end of last season. Would have to be very last resort but I'd feel a lot more comfortable with him in a back 4 at LCB than Kelly. Problem is that Penrice doesn't look great at left back, so you would need better cover there as well.
  14. Had some good games with us but some stinkers as well. Was happy to see us get rid provided we got a good replacement but instead we signed Sean Kelly. Would have been fine as a backup, in hindsight.
  15. This repeated Martindale line pisses me off as well. With seemingly no reserve league, how are we getting these players up to speed? It's not acceptable that we have a squad of 27 and he claims we are filling up the bench with injured players. Simply don't buy that we have more than 9 players unavailable.
  16. Have to say, sending Nouble and Mullin out on loan is looking like two horrific decisions in hindsight. Nouble looks to be well ahead of Anderson and Hamilton (even though he deserves more game time) and I would have Mullin over Bailey.
  17. Good summary and basically where I am at the moment. Don't agree regarding lack of interest around the position but aside from that think you're spot on. Said recently I think Martindale has taken too much on and you're probably right that an experienced assistant would have helped him. My fear is that he's becoming stubborn for the sake of it, almost wanting to prove the fans wrong at all costs despite the tactics not working. Slagging off the supporters today isn't great either, it's been a dreadful run of form for us since the cup final (regardless of the strength of the opposition) and I can understand people getting pissed off. With the exception of the VLs, no one is actually expecting us to be top 6 as he tried to claim. What we do expect is the attitude and style of play that has served us well over the last 3 seasons rather than the passive shite we've been served up for the majority of this season. The Celtic game showed we still have that fight, we need to show it more often.
  18. That's fair, he did come into it as the half went on and we started to play more football. Don't really remember the Bailey chance first half.
  19. My patience is wearing thin. Subbing on Anderson instead of Hamilton today when the same approach of 'wee guy against monsters' wasn't working with Shinnie did not make sense to me at all. Martindale went on about "the definition of insanity..." the other week but still persists with Anderson who I am struggling to see having any particular quality. Not fast, not a particular good finisher, doesn't hold the ball up, I am not seeing what he brings to the team. Panayiotou said something like "I love to bring others into play" when he signed. That is exactly what we need but he can't get anywhere near the team. He also scored 12 goals in the National League last season which is only 4 less league goals than Anderson has scored in his entire career (that includes 6 in League 2). I believe there is a team who can be safe here. Unfortunately due to the stupidly big squad, it's difficult to for the talent to shine through some of the other guys who have been given too many chances.
  20. Not to take away from you but even without pressure I think some of the distribution would go out of play. I think with the current players available, long ball with the aim of winning second balls is the way to go and I don't think it will happen with Shinnie (Celtic aside) or Anderson up there. Agree we were better on the ground but just don't have the confidence in the centre backs and goalie for us to play like that (see Rangers in the cup). Also agree we aren't terrible and we will have a chance if we can get our best 11 playing. Problem is, I don't think anyone knows our best 11 as we signed a stupidly big squad. Very frustrating to persist with options that aren't working when you have seemingly capable players not getting a chance to show what they can do.
  21. Good to have have kids coming to games but yeah, I had mute towards the end. Was much preferable in the first half when comms wasn't working.
  22. Shouldn't have lost the game but did because we were toothless up front. Hamilton should have been on instead of Anderson. Decisions like that make you seriously question the manager because the latter is hopeless. St. Mirren defending the punts up well but didn't have a serious question to answer until the last 15 minutes. Ludicrous tactics against a massive backline. Dreadful attempt from Bailey when he had a 1 on 1. Even if Shaughnessy (who would improve us immensely) hadn't have blocked it, it was going straight at Alnwick. Zero composure at a crucial moment.
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