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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Happy with that. Hopefully as backup to Alexander initially. "Martindale remains busy in the quest to retain more players. “We are talking to all players involved in last season’s campaign and will hopefully have further announcements over the next 7-10 days on that front.” Fingers crossed for some more good news to come. Chances of Halkett and Hardie signing have probably increased as a result of the Kelly transfer.
  2. Yep, I think it would be a very good move. Kelly plays backup for a year learning from Alexander and is ready to step in when he retires. He is already pretty good and would be a great set up from Maley.
  3. Maybe a bit unfair but Kenny Miller does not seem to have the right personality to take over. He reminds me very much of Burchill. Paulo Sergio has also been linked this morning. Two interesting articles on the BBC yesterday: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44335173 John Ward stating that the new manager must fit into our current structure. That is exactly the message I wanted to hear and probably rules out the likes of McIntyre and Neilson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44304744 Really nice story about Gregor Buchanan and his sister recovering from a stroke to make the second leg. Having a stroke would be horrible at any time but in your early 30s? Poor girl.
  4. Apparently our budget will be 3-4 times bigger than last season.
  5. Think his contract expired yesterday. I think if there were any doubts in his mind about leaving, we would not have seen that statement yesterday. He will either have something lined up or be content to bide his time for the right opportunity.
  6. My thoughts exactly although I think he improved a lot throughout the season. I also think he may eventually be good enough for the Premiership once he gets a bit more experience.
  7. He is working with the strikers a few days a week. Not sure whether he would want to give up his multiple punditry gigs though. Pretty sure he said a few months ago that he wasn't looking to get into management.
  8. https://www.mcbookie.com/en-gb/sports/3/meetings/126456098/events/951069100 James McPake is an interesting suggestion. Mark Burchill, less so. I think John Hartson would be a good option. Already on good terms with the players and would be unlikely to change the system too much. Continuity would be great for us.
  9. I believe orco was one of the people championing Jim Duffy. Baffling that McIntyre is a less preferred option. Danny Lennon would be an awful choice too. I trust the board will pick the right option. We are an attractive club right now and should have a number of good candidates.
  10. Not sure Hopkin can really be looked upon as a 'legend' as some have stated after dumping us at the first opportunity. Nonetheless, I wish him well going forward. Really turned it around after the shambles at Stranraer. I think McIntyre would be a shrewd appointment.
  11. Oh wow, I wasn't expecting a Falkirk tweet. That will do me for a few hours.
  12. 'Tracking him for a number of years' with our extensive scouting network.
  13. 2 years. Wow. Davie Martindale pulling the strings like a tampon thief.
  14. All about that sweet, sweet Premiership moolah.
  15. As Marshy says - wild. The question is, how could we afford him with our small fanbase? #admin3
  16. From the interview on the BBC with the Shrewsbury chairman suggests that Hopkin's agent approached Shrewsbury rather than the other way round. That ties in with what Callum Carson said about him having no offers from elsewhere. Maybe trying to get a better deal from Livingston; possibly Hopkin wanting to leave.
  17. The multiple top-flight relegations is reliable, all right. Some ridiculous revisionism going on here simply because he was gracious in defeat whilst we beat them 4 times out of 5.
  18. Duffy is a serial failure. We would be better appointing someone with zero experience like Hopkin.
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