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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Interesting because we're definitely weakest on the left. Would most likely force Bobby Barr out of the starting XI.
  2. That will definitely be our last midfielder, if that's the case. Does he play on the left or right?
  3. While it may be the case that there is financial uncertainty, length of contract offered is definitely a huge incentive for players. They know they have a steady wage for two years as opposed to one, if the club doesn't suffer difficulties. He also said he wanted first team football which he's clearly not had in his 3 years at Morton.
  4. The main thing for professional footballers in the lower leagues at this moment is to have job assurance because they know how bloody difficult it is to find a new club. I would all but guarentee that that is the main reason why he's not stayed at Morton, because they only offered him a 1 year deal.
  5. It of course depends on what the weekly wage is but I'd imagine it in most cases it does. Regardless, there's more income to be brought in over two seasons as opposed to one as well.
  6. Who says we've outbid anyone in monetary terms? We offered full time football on a two year deal, which is very attractive to most professional footballers in the lower Scottish leagues. Overall wagebill is down again, that should indeed help balance the books.
  7. It's an utter lie. I've spoken to some Trust Board Members and they've all paid for their season tickets despite the fact that a few of them are missing about 10 minutes of each game from manning the turnstiles and such.
  8. It's the same posts over and over again, hence why I validly said it was spamming. 007 and MCL arguing with each other and posting three s after every message without anything new being said. Mr. X can call me a baby all he wants but it doesn't change the fact that a thread that has turned into a petty bitch fight isn't being closed on his watch. "Keep it to PMs" I believe is the line that is usually trodden out.
  9. It's inactive apart from MCL's rants. Tantamount to spamming.
  10. Why is one man's fishing trip against the Livi Trust being moved to a different forum?
  11. As I said your general attitude towards the club's apparent plight makes you an arse. What makes you more of an arse is that the club surviving seems to be less important to you than settling scores with people in the Trust. Utterly pathetic along with any lies that have been thrown your way, if they have.
  12. Being so flippant about the club being in 'financial difficulties' does. Not disclosing any information you know also gives that effect.
  13. No point in giving the club a bit of help financially considering you're so quick to slag them off for overspending? Nah, didn't think so
  14. Or you could just make a new thread which is more relevant. In fact, I'll do it myself.
  15. You've succeeded in getting a rise out of me, well done. The thread is a year and a half old and primarily concerns the events of our previous regime. As you'll perhaps notice, since around August, this thread has been kept alive simply out of Mr. Todd's bitter agenda against people within the Livi Trust. Questions have now arisen, that have primarily been asked throughout the year, and that means that a very inactive thread that has been simply bumped to massage Mr. Todd's ego, should merit being moved to the next forum? No, I really don't think so. Go ahead though, you'll get another rise out of me by doing it and confirm your status as a wind-up mod as opposed to a serious one.
  16. I don't understand how a thread that is two years old and only being kept alive by MCL's digs at the Trust staying on the board is for the greater good but whatever, continue your piss-poor modship.
  17. It's also a solution that no Livi fan apart from yourself wants.
  18. The thread should die when we go up. MCL can pedal his anti-Trust agenda in the other threads.
  19. Ged said that no money they were puting into the club (which was less than everybody thinks) were Director's loans in the Dundee programme.
  20. The event had originally nothing to do with the Trust. The owner decided to put a portion of it towards the Fighting Fund after the night. Edit:- MCL made a mistake when he was taking the piss out of the Trust Sorry, that's all I could think of.
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