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Ranaldo Bairn

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Everything posted by Ranaldo Bairn

  1. European football is a heap of horseshit after the qualifying rounds. Of zero interest and limited competitive value.
  2. Yep. Without a doubt. Even turning a blind eye to his mandatory "dribble up the field before losing the ball in an exposed position" routine. Regarding Jak - yes, there's no doubt he's capable of reaching 10 which would be fantastic. His stats are: League starts 4, Sub apps 2, goals 4. Scottish Cup starts 2, sub apps 1, goals 2.
  3. "Didn't we have a luvverly time, the day we met Cthulhu?"
  4. A hearty "well done everyone" for dredging this gunk up. The sort of thread where everyone loses.
  5. I'm sorry, did you say Exhorder? As in Louisiana's Exhorder? As in S.I.T.V and The Law Exhorder? They're back? *Insert wrestling guy toppling backwards off his chair gif*
  6. On a similar note, imagine being an armchair Newtown fan. SEETHING.
  7. Wasn't the hardest elbow ever seen but correct decision, no doubt.
  8. I know. Clearly my bait was not up to much there.
  9. Given the level of response here; gladly. See you in August.
  10. Another 3 points for us today, smashing the form table in preparation for the juggernaut making a title assault next season. How'd you get on today? Forking out for that hotel must have paid off in terms of points, no?
  11. Pretty straightforward really. We'll need to cut out the occasional sloppiness we showed when we play against the better teams in the league though.
  12. Hi County boiz. Just popping into your thread to give you a squad update. Getting #petrol at #Broxden yesterday, I was confronted with a massive queue. It turned out to be your entire first team squad having a snack break, en route to Killie I presume. Happy to report no Monster Munch appeared to be consumed, it seemed to be tubs of fruit and Oasis juice all round. One big ginger laddie was ravaging the pastry/fresh cakes counter though. Troubling. They were all very well behaved young gentlemen, although surely some delegation of purchasing could have been employed to limit the queue expansion. Next time maybe. Only the wee Uncle Fester lookalike coach deserves a mention, for aggressively looking at the rest of the queue as he passed, demanding recognition one might surmise. As you were, and good luck for the remainder of the season.
  13. Surely you'd be better with a £40 Zero Tolerance subscription (now Terrorizer appears to have bought the farm) and read No Clean Singing or Invisible Oranges or whatever. If you want to hear gumbies talking about metal then Banger TV. Even considering paying money like that is frankly insane.
  14. "Making up lies about Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yusuf an advantage. There will be no requirement for the successful candidate to ask any difficult questions of Ruth Davidson."
  15. BBC Gossip page has the Murray Mint ready to invest again in the new club... After all the slaggings he rightfully took for effectively killing the old club, I wonder what the Cognitive Dissonance RSC Loyal will make of that...
  16. Things move in cycles. Back in the glory days of Death Metal, half the bands had names ending in "-ation". Now we have djent berks whose names are exclusively of the form: "Plurals". Not to mention screamo twats with fringes' bands, all entitled "Verbing the Noun"
  17. Even thinking about us doing that gave me ebola.
  18. I once urinated next to George Fisher in a dodgy Glasgow venue's toilets. He really does have a remarkable neck. I think some Polish duffers called Krabathor and Scottish hopefuls Regorge supported that night, so it must have been about 98 or so.
  19. Bob has eloquently telt that fud wewerethepeople, a P&B bear, on a couple of occasions now. The negative comment from others of your ilk towards him has been telling by its absence.
  20. They're currently absolutely fisting St Johnstone. If they get service to the front players we're getting ridden so the midfield selection is absolutely crucial.
  21. I've got the fear that 7-1 might actually refer to the score. Still, you never know.
  22. They are going back where they came from They are also on the pitch/blue border. There's no way on earth they're letting a thousand punters stroll along the edge of the pitch. I don't know what sort of nick the gravel part behind the ad boards is like though. They're probably petrified someone would trip, do their ankle, and sue the club.
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