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Ranaldo Bairn

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Everything posted by Ranaldo Bairn

  1. We've always introduced youths, since day 1. Sometimes a couple, sometimes, whether by choice or necessity, a whole bunch. You're not proposing anything the club hasn't always tried to do, along with pretty much every other club ever. A multi million pound talent - hmmm, inflation must be worse than I thought, and please don't use the phrase "the next level" as we're still recovering from the craziness that ensued the last time we heard that.
  2. United fans think he's muck, and hate the fact they were made to pay 200k by a tribunal to assist an ailing zombieco. Apart from that, he's muck, and we don't need yet another midfielder.
  3. I make it to approximately half the home games a season, so my ST is not great value for a start. My job means I generally miss the play offs when we make them, and as I stated earlier, my sprogs are doing well at their sports and that can mean days or whole weekends away. I go to games in the car, from #perthshire, by myself (sometimes take one of the sprogs) so there's no group of boys for me to have a laugh in the pub with. I know approximately 2 other people who attend, and they are irregular attendees too. So yeah, at the moment the promise of 8 or 9 games of humdrum action is not exactly enticing me to open my wallet.
  4. I do this too. (To myself, not to you). Magnificent entertainment.
  5. Absolutely no intention of reading back and getting the context for this outburst, but I must say you've absolutely floored me. Great stuff.
  6. Dear HopeStreetWalker, with regard to your recent posting in the interwebular forum for devotees of kickball entitled "McDonald's finest and most perspicacious Meat Pastry and Beef Extract Drink". I feel, Sir, that the evaluation by thy good self of the current prospects for the Falkirk Football and Athletic Club Ltd (Established 1876) vis-a-vis their prospects in the 2017-18 association football season might be somewhat misguided. If I may expand thereupon, and perhaps promulgate one's own views on the matter, one would not hesitate to proffer the opinion that it is a historically unwise strategem to pursue excellence on the fields of sporting competition with one's favourites comprised, in the main, of a phalanx of callow youths whose mettle remains untested or, at best, of indeterminate quality. Historical precedent would strongly suggest that following such a strategy results, in the main, in a concatenation of catastrophes. Yours etc, Ranaldo Bairn (attendee since 1983 in case you wondered) In short. just chucking in the youths and assuming the roads will be chock a block with millions of folk desperate to see their young heroes is, in fact, birthday caird pish.
  7. 1997 had me in tears, but I had my first date with my (current) wife that night which lessened the pain somewhat. 2009 was a scunner, but we had Europe. 2015 nearly fucking killed me and it only gets worse as time goes on. I was sitting in the SS before some shitty game a few weeks ago and the rage/regret/pain/sorrow kicked in all of a sudden as I unexpectedly got triggered by watching Luke Leahy run about. GRIM.
  8. Me too. It'll take a rollicking good signing spree to motivate me to part with the cash this year. My 11 y-o is not really interested, and my 13 y-o is reaching a national level in her sport so the number of weekends away will only increase.
  9. Yes. Death Metal, bits of black and grindcore, along with punk and whatnot thrown in. Bit of a lifer really, been there since the embryonic golden days of DM back at the turn of the 90's.
  10. Well aye, sort of! We are in the competition. The World Cup Finals (to give them their proper name)... not so much.
  11. I don't really have a problem with that. They qualified for the competition. Saying that the Champions' League only starts at the Group Stages is being pedantic for the sake of it.
  12. Did you or someone else, maybe @Dunning1874 mention something about a longest winless run this century @virginton ? Fucking OOFT. If you fail to win tonight, how long into Morton's past does that take us? Not having a go, just statto-ing.
  13. Yep. Also, having met him through work, he's a thoroughly nice fellow too.
  14. Correct. (maybe it's just me, but when I quote someone quoting someone else, only the most recent part appears).
  15. 100a/(a+b) = c 100a = (a+b)c 100a = ac + bc 100a - ac = bc a(100-c) = bc a = bc/(100-c)
  16. Same owners - aren't there rules about preventing that?
  17. Exactly. Also, the club used to ask if you were bringing your kids along for big games v Hibs, Sevco etc. Not any more.
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