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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. I’ll be honest here. I have no idea whether to be cynical or congratulatory in relation to the loan your club is receiving. I’ll probably stick with ambivalence. What I will say, is that I was reading and waiting with baited breath to see HSW’s initial thoughts. Those thoughts, and the subsequent utterly fucking perfect use of that gif, are the reason why I love P&B.
  2. To counterbalance the negative, let me offer a positive. I hear that ST sales are 40% up on this time last year.
  3. Very good player, but his injury record is eye watering. Hopefully (for his sake) his fitness improves, because we’d then end up with a top class centre half.
  4. As I said earlier, that kind of behaviour should be getting called out for what it is - utter nonsense and unacceptable. He's made a couple of, in my view, veiled digs at the support recently, about season ticket sales and also this squad (and earlier squads) not getting the backing he feels they deserve. I totally get his frustration about supporter numbers, believe me, but mentioning them in the press, I'm not so sure is a good look.
  5. Anyone booing Devlin because of the Aberdeen stuff, should probably just walk away from football. Rather than treat it with kid gloves, like what the manager has done here, it should have been called out for the utter fucking embarrassment that it is.
  6. Whoever has initially shared that picture is bang out of order.
  7. I often wonder why this thread is so quiet. I then recall the veritable cyber bin fire that is the fans Facebook group, and am immediately relieved that this thread is the oasis that it is. Leigh Griffiths
  8. He's 28 years old, with plenty experience of playing in leagues above L1. He shouldn't need his hand held by now.
  9. If Utd fail to beat us next week then they absolutely deserve to go down. They will not have a better chance of picking up three easy points. The manager will have the devils own job of motivating whatever’s left of this squad over the summer, in time for next season. The annoyance I felt when we threw away top six has very quickly been replaced by the dread I feel at the thought of next season.
  10. I know every penny will be a prisoner, but Omeonga is on sweeties by all accounts, and still capable of being one of our finest midfielders. Letting him go for purely financial reasons wouldn't make sense to me.
  11. Lee Van, for someone who is hard of hearing (Lee Van Cleef) Abraham, if someone is in need of a wash (Abraham Lincoln) If someone is a bit exuberant, I often say they are a wee bit Leeds (Leeds United)
  12. If St Johnstone are genuinely as bad as you guys are suggesting, then I would hope we would be good enough for a win here. We’ve been very good in plenty enough games this season to say that we can win it. Having said that, our recent run has been so poor. SO poor. It’s seen us look devoid of confidence, devoid of ideas, it’s seen our manager look and sound increasingly frustrated and bemoan things as being his fault, yet when the time comes to make changes he doesn’t do so. Guthrie in for Anderson being a case in point. I’ve said it before on other posts, Martindale knows far more about the game and his players than I ever will, but that decision in particular will never make sense to me. Anyway - 2-1 Livi, more in hope than expectation.
  13. Half time listening today peaking with Can’t Stop by the Chili Peppers fused with Ceilidh music, all to the background of the incomparable Richard Gordon. Not going to lie, it was a joy for the ears. One I didn’t know I needed.
  14. I’m not seeing that at all. I can see you beating Hearts next weekend, and that should do it for you. The notion that we’ll pick up five points in the next three games (no way are we beating Motherwell away, they are sparkling just now) is for the birds unfortunately.
  15. Playing devils advocate ever so slightly, an early concession will knock the stuffing out of any team. My issue is though, and it always is, this constant need from Martindale to overthink things. For Stephen Kelly, Montano and Anderson to not start that game is criminal. Genuine question - how often have I read post game comments from Martindale where he says “that’s on me, I got that wrong”? I suppose being boring and playing your best players/best formation every week isn’t what gets you on Open PLZ Goal. I get that Martindale knows more about the game than I ever will, but f**k me his decisions enrage me sometimes.
  16. Could not be happier for John McGlynn. A better man in football you’ll struggle to meet. That interview on the BBC is a gifmakers dream. That performance had all the hallmarks of a McGlynn team. Well organised, with the belief to play some really good football. Enjoy Hampden.
  17. As big a charlatan as any other nefarious owner we've been lumbered with. He handed the reins over to Massone and his mob and, when asked directly what would happen to the club under Massone's watch, said "Livingston are nothing without me and my money". If Flynn says it's raining outside, you can safely leave your brolly at home.
  18. Aye, just saw the forecast. Chance of a shower Tuesday afternoon, after which the temperature in Livi will barely get above freezing and be as low as -4. Not a chance this will be on.
  19. No clean sheets in this one. I fancy Nouble to run riot, whilst my confidence levels in whatever makeshift defensive unit we field are lower than a a snakes belly. I actually think United will win quite comfy, but that is no doubt sheer pessimism as our form has dropped like a stone.
  20. Can't speak for every fan obviously, but I wouldn't say I was disgusted - I would be disgusted if it was completely out of character, but Fernandes has these types of games in him. I would have him stripped of the captaincy right now. Shaw is just another in a long line of players who has believed the hype around himself when in actual fact, he's no more than average. This is it for me. I know that Souness and Carragher were giving Neville stick for saying so, but there was definitely an element of Liverpool pushing at an open door yesterday. I suppose it's chicken and egg - Liverpool were ruthless in the second half, because the United players heids were in the spin dryer, so Liverpool were more ruthless etc. Ten Hag has a job on his hands now. How does he get into the heads of a team of players who have downed tools and shown no personal or team discipline whatsoever, in the most high profile game they could play?
  21. He was outstanding. I'm amazed that a team the likes of Aberdeen haven't been interested before now. I don't know his personal situation, e.g. if his family is up here or not, so it may be that he wants a move down the road. He'll be a big loss wherever/whenever he goes. Being back at the stadium on Sunday (rarely make it due to work, sadly) it was nice* to be reminded that there are some in our support who dinnae get football. Some of the shouts I heard from the C end of the stand included Omeonga being "fucking shite", Stephen Kelly being "fucking embarassing" and countless other examples of sheer bampottery. Never mind who let these folk into the stadium, who let's them leave the hoose in the first place? *it wasn't really nice at all.
  22. Mate, don’t. Just don’t. The thing that always gets me is, when people say the pitch is shite - compared to what? If we’re comparing it to a perfect grass pitch, with no drainage issues? Yes, our pitch IS shite. Are we comparing it to McDiarmid, or the fucking quagmire that is Hampden? Because if we are, then our carpet wins hands down. Anywho. Thanks for posting that pic. He is just pristine.
  23. I remain surprised, yet delighted, that David Martindale is never on the list for these jobs. I mean, I know why he's never on the list, but you know what I mean.
  24. Whoever recorded Martindale at h/t and initially shared it needs to have a word with themselves. Snakey, sneaky, shitty behaviour all round.
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