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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. The idea that this Rangers team is an upgrade on last season is for the birds, surely?
  2. Servette absolutely hopeless, but Rangers still love giving the ball away in dangerous areas. Todd Cantwell is a fucking gremlin.
  3. Maybe it was the only strategy available. The rest of your post is veering towards racial stereotyping in my opinion.
  4. Played in a horrifically under-performing team that got relegated last season and, if rumours are to be believed, was a pretty big factor in two managers getting their jotters due to him bending the ear of his team mates. No thanks.
  5. I have very, very foggy recollection of being at Douglas Park with my dad one night - it must have been Hamilton vs Alloa, as I recall an auld guy screaming "NEVER MIND HAMILTON ACCIES, C'MON ALLOA!" right beside me. This would have been early-mid 80's. The first football occasion I really remember being at was the 1987 Skol Cup Final that Rangers won on penalties vs Aberdeen. My brother "lifted me over", and I didn't see a single thing. First Livi game for me was the opening of the stadium in November 1995. Even as someone in their late teens at the time, watching the stands near completion was achingly cool.
  6. They say a week is a long time in football. What should also be said, is that a decade in football seems like a month to some people. His success at ICT was what, eight years ago? And of his last shree gigs since then, two have been unmitigated disasters. The notion that he was ever a good manager can be argued either way (as a Livi manager he was horrific). The notion that he is relevant today and should be mentioned in even the briefest of terms for today’s bigger jobs, is beyond laughable.
  7. I say we rename Alderstone Road, "Bafana Bafana" Road, with NO DELAY WHATSOEVER. These truly are heady days.
  8. I think you’re right. I suppose it could be argued he at least imbibed from a higher standard of puddle. No southside pish from him.
  9. Getting the fear at even the PROSPECT of missing this. I was there for Subcrawl 2 (Birth of the Puddledrinker), and oh what a day. I’ll be there @StewartyMac
  10. At risk of repeating myself from last season, Stephen Kelly should be nowhere near us. The boy is an absolute diamond, and it staggers/pleases me no end that his name is never mentioned in dispatches when it comes to those who may leave.
  11. It really hasn't. I'd go as far as to say that if he leaves, we should be able to get two in by way of replacement.
  12. A colossus. A wonderful guy. 70 is no fucking age.
  13. An excellent player. An absolute gentleman. Heartbreaking to see his decline in recent years. Dementia truly is the b*****d illness. RIP big man.
  14. The reasons behind that are both unique and not so. There were always murmurings after the helicopter crash in 2018 that the owners son wouldn't be quite as benevolent as his late dad had been. Then the pandemic hit, and King Power's business model (duty free travel outlets) took an absolute caning. EDITED TO ADD - I see RandomGuy has posted irt the end of Rodgers reign at Leicester. I hadn't appreciated he'd had that much to spend near the end... Leicester and Rodgers achieving two consecutive fifth place finishes and an FA cup is a remarkable achievement and, in context and in my opinion, a far greater one than his close run thing at Liverpool in 13-14.
  15. Nixon received a reduced, negotiated and fully paid settlement of £185,000. Says so on page 7 of the 20-21 document posted above.
  16. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a wee bit of context here. In what way can the last few seasons be described as disastrous, disappointing and scary? I'm genuinely looking forward to reading this. See the bit about John Ward though? It's pathetic, and probably beneath you. All you're doing is cultivating a narrative that you have an agenda against him and or others involved in the running of the club.
  17. I'd be grateful if you could point out where I've misquoted you.
  18. Again, for some balance, the Court of Session isn’t just “Commercial” Court. Civil proceedings are heard there. Personal injury claims are heard there. Absolute nonsense.
  19. I hesitate to side with Andy Walker at the best of times, but that goal from Graham is utterly magnificent.
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