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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Wordle 318 4/6 Lucky guess three
  2. Nae dedication or commitment, a shocking state of affairs. I’ve been on the peeve in Berlin since Friday lunchtime and and have managed to play each day, granted at times it’s looked like I had twelve attempts instead of six. To today Wordle 317 3/6
  3. Wordle 315 4/6 very chuffed with a four there.
  4. Wordle 314 4/6 Great start, shite finish.
  5. Dortmund, Braga and Red Star all caused Rangers more bother than this mob.
  6. There are plenty other names that have played for us that are fancier than Scott Pittman. There are other players who have played for us that are more skillful than Scott Pittman. There are players who have played for us who are more decorated than Scott Pittman. As much as I love them all, there is none I love more than Scott Pittman. Cup final goal. Local lad making his family proud (and his hard as f**k dad greet). THAT goal at Tannadice. It will be a rough day in the Mozam hoose when he leaves us, and I hope it's not for a few years yet.
  7. Wordle 313 5/6 Horror show at guess three. Put two letters in a place where I knew they weren’t. Half asleep. Guess 4 and elimination of other letters meant that guess 5 was the only outcome.
  8. Will one of the more traditional broadcasters i.e. STV or BBC Scotland, be able to "sub let" the rights from Viaplay if they so wished?
  9. Wordle 312 4/6 Bullet dodged.
  10. I thought retrospective action couldn't be taken if the ref had already given a booking? Stryjek is an excellent keeper and has all the tools going to go far in the game, but he's got to eradicate the errors and the madness which can creep into his performances sometimes.
  11. No idea why my result from yesterday didn’t post?? Anyway, a shitshow today, in particular guess 2. Wordle 311 4/6
  12. mozam76


    Right up my strasse, many thanks chief.
  13. mozam76


    I'm heading here for a stag weekend on Friday. It might sound too precise a query, but are there any what we here would class as "auld man/traditional" boozers? I'm thinking Guildford Arms in Edinburgh if that's familiar to anyone. We're staying in Alexanderplatz (which I'm already worried about seeing as according to this thread, it seems a bit soulless).
  14. Heavy rumours going around that Gallagher is one of many that Goodwin wants shot of. Who'd be happy to see him back (Mozam waves arms frantically...)?
  15. Love it. Also hope I’m not alone in saying wid not.
  16. I don’t have any dog in the fight here, but I also heard that it was 9k per week for “some” of Maloneys signings. I’ve no reason to disbelieve it based on who told me, however every reason to disbelieve it due to the fact it’s absolutely wild if true.
  17. Wordle 306 4/6 Fucking thrilled with that.
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