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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. For the first time in forever I was on the right end of a 50/50 Wordle 338 3/6
  2. Wordle 335 4/6 Bullet dodged
  3. Wordle 334 6/6 Phew indeed.
  4. I saw a video earlier on where Keith Downie from Sky was interviewing folk outside the stadium. The only fan who had a ticket was a young lad with tartan eyes, still absolutely blazin'. Another morning/afternoon on the bevvy will see him snoozing come teatime
  5. Wordle 333 3/6 Brain fart on guess 2
  6. If there’s a relegation clause in the PCA he signed last month with someone else, then I dare say he could end up back with you. I’m gutted for us that he’s away, but more gutted for him because of the genuinely horrific time he’s had a with injuries/covid. I sincerely hope that he gets fully fit and a decent run/success wherever he goes, because he’s a joy of a footballer who is far to good to just drift away.
  7. Their "culture" can f**k right off. What a lad Jake Daniels is. Congratulations young man. The world will catch up with you at some point.
  8. Wordle 330 5/6 Late to the show today
  9. Wordle 329 4/6 Add me to the list. Frustrating as f**k.
  10. Pedant alert but Bonehead wasn't the drummer, he was the "rhythm" guitarist (whatever the f**k that is).
  11. Forgot yesterday. Fucking beeling. Wordle 324 4/6
  12. That's a brilliant moment. Often these things are shown later in the programme, with a "we caught this reaction off camera, haha, what do you think" remark, which for me makes it a bit snide and cringy. In this instance, McCoist knew he was live, knew he was probably in shot, and didn't give a monkeys. Overall, what an achievement in getting to the final. I have no doubts they'll win it now, they've been the best team in each tie they've played and, although Frankfurt are to be respected, they shouldn't be feared in the slightest.
  13. Wordle 321 4/6 We go again.
  14. Wordle 320 X/6 Caught behind on 115. Sickening. Get the word, get today, get the whole lot in the fucking bin. And get the spoiler above behind some fucking tags, please.
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