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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. Hi all. I took part in my first ever piece of proper running at the Forfar Marafun on Saturday. I only got into it because i was asked by mates from work who were short. It takes the form of each runner doing a 5.2 mile stint as part of a relay. I wasnt looking forward to it all, considering lack of time to do any training whatsoever, indeed training consisted of playing the usual few games of fives a week and buying a cheap pair of lightweight adidas trainers off of ebay. However, i managed it in 45 mins, which although pish compared to people who know what theyre doing was a not bad effort. More importantly i really enjoyed it, and want to do more. IE train more, stop smoking (duh) and run some 10ks. Anyway, having had a quick look through this thread, there are clearly some good and experienced runners frequenting the site. So might i be so bold to ask for some tips re training, exercises etc etc as im obviously new to this lark and would appreciate any advice you chaps can give me. Thanks in advance! *Edited for fucking awful spelling
  2. Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division. Currently on track 6 - She's lost Control
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