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Everything posted by latapythelegend

  1. We could have but if we didn't have a cup run last year we probably would be coming off a 25 match unbeaten run right now. I'm not saying rely on it. I'm saying try and get as far as possible in it and reap the benefits. It shouldn't be one or the other. If that's the attitude we have why even bother with the cup?
  2. What made the pitch the different? Both teams had the same conditions we failed to adapt. A terrible performance.
  3. It is but ffs we wouldn't have had a budget to sign half our squad this year if it wasn't for the cup last year. It should have equal importance.
  4. Why do we have this absolute loser mentality within our support to not expect to perform in both the league and the cup?
  5. McIver's link up play has been fantastic.
  6. Just seen the video and it's sickening especially happening to a young lad with a disability. The law will do very little to punish them unfortunately. If they had the brass enck to turn up at another Dunfermline game surely those around them would be the first to out them in front of everybody. They deserve a public shaming and more. I'd be mortified if tthiswas anybhroup of Falkirk fans.
  7. No reason for it to be called off. Nothing wrong with an inch or so of snow. The pitch won't freeze.
  8. All travel now booked. 12th: Glasgow to Birmingham then on Berlin = £73 13th: train to Munich = £17 16th: train to Bonn = £33 21st: train to Stuttgart = £18 24th: train to Memmingen = £20 24th: Memmingen to Dublin then Edinburgh £161 Total travel cost: £332 (excluding days where I won't be covered by the 36 hr pass. Say an extra £100 for that.) Happy with that. All in I'm at about £1000 for travel, 3 tickets and accommodation for 12 days. A lot cheaper than I thought I would be. I expect I'll be nearer £2k for the whole trip. Not far off the average cost of a fortnight all inclusive abroad. Roll on June!
  9. This. I was his biggest critic last year but today he fucking strolled it against the only team that has even a remote chance of challenging us. Hamilton were no better than any of the other dross we've played this year.
  10. 7 just bought. Surely pushing 1500 now I'd expect.
  11. With it being a brand new pitch the last thing you want is a dozen or so people hacking at it with shovels. The artificial blades come away from the pitch very easily. Different for teams like Stenny who don't maintain it to the same level. Coupled with the travel from up north, I've not got an issue with it being off. I also can't make it which is an added bonus for me personally.
  12. Tasty tie. Should go through but it'snot the kind of place to go and expect a walkover. Proper cup tie.
  13. Donaldson dived in way too easily for the 2nd there. Shows the difference in class. No forward loses a centre half that easily in League 1.
  14. Shuttle bus along the remains of Hadrians wall for the next 58 years.
  15. All 3 have looked like good additions. I'd argue Spencer is the best footballer in League 1.
  16. Not to wish injury on him but Reily going off is a relief.
  17. Poor goal to lose. Lucky he scored it actually otherwise it was a pen and a red for the foul.
  18. I'm involved with a foundation team and we often gets changed in the warm up room or the of the office/class rooms. The guy who organises this is very hostile towards the guys who run some of teams. Very dismissive and unnaccomodating. The last guy who done it the last few years was great with us. This year has been a nightmare.
  19. Got my Mrs hooked after the Edinburgh show. Planning to go for one of the Milan shows with. Boss in the San Siro
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