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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. My mates son was stewarding at Ibrox and said the police weren't bothered about going into the bogs to arrest Sevco fans doing drugs, they just told his son to go sort it out, to which they got told to do their jobs and get in ther themselves. Where Sevco are concerende the police don't want to know about anything they get up to.
  2. I think in Livi's case it would make a big difference as there are a few thousand lapsed fans to target as well as the possible new ones around the community in West Lothian, but the club is making no effort to get them back/attract new ones. The open day was mentioned by McGlynn but it fell through with the pitch being renewed, as a game was going to be played on it, imo you wouldn't need a game being played though, just lay on fun events that families would be attracted to, to entertain the kids. Petrofac did and excellent job in their pre match set up before the cup final last season up at Perth, something similar to that would be great, I dare say the usual volunteers at Livi would be landed with helping out right enough, the ones that do the turnstyles, HT draw tickets, MDM, are there whenever needed clearing snow away etc, those that MCL keeps having a dig at that are Trusr memebers. Whether you like the Trust or not they've done a hell of a lot keeping this football club going in troubled times and get little thanks for it. It may have its faults but there are good people in the Trust too. There is a College right next to the stadium, tap into that for help with ideas on promotions and marketing, I know someone who teaches there offered and was told by the guy running our commercial business it was a 'fucking stupid idea', well he's not there anymore and he was hardly doing a bang up job for him to knock back idea, prob was afraid he'd be shown up by students. Another problem at Livi just now is nobody knows what the feck is going on down there and what the plan is, a 4G pitch was mentioned to get use of the pitch every day hiring it out, and some company set up to rent the pitch out to Livi (would take it the Council would have to agree to sell the stadium to them). Is that a good thing or just another dodgy scheme for a land grab to make a quick buck, has a Rankine esque dodgyness feel to it.
  3. Two main problems are stability and marketing. Some stability with the managerial staff being there for more than half a season and having a decent pre season to build on the squad from the previous season would be good to start with. We've had two horrendous pre seasons with a huge turnover in players. The Bollan era saw stability at the club and the att rose, since then off field dramas have ruined all that good work, Marketing is shockingly bad to non existent. The prices are good but apart from the Courier and OS nobody knows about them, we really need to engage with the community and get out there spreading the word about Livi to encourage folk down to games. I've suggested numerous times to get a float on at the local gala days with youth players on the back of it chucking sweets, Livi badges and the like out to the kids, handing leaflets out with special deals on the first game, with ST prices on them too. Have an open day down at the stadium during pre season and lay on all sorts for the kids, bouncy castle, shooty ins, face painting, meet the players and tours of the stadium etc. Have stalls out with merchandize, get leaflets on the go with the ST prices, plus first game of the season deals, and even a special rate 3 home game deal to low interest games against the likes of Morton, QoS, Raith. I could go on and on but you get the gist, just something done by the club to actually make an effort to get the club out there to the community and bring fans down to games, they wont come unless they're made aware and encouraged along with some vibrant selling of the club.
  4. I don't see any logic to your argument, will our overheads be any different PT? Bloody doubt there are any PT teams paying what we are for their stadium and the general running of it. Will our wage bill be lower?From what I've read we're on par with PT teams on wages anyway, players from the lower leagues, junior football, on loan, young players and a few journeymen, you'll get all that further down the leagues with PT team. The going PT will solve all your troubles solutions is just too simplistic and not thought out. If someone would just run the place properly it would give us a chance, that for me is where the problem is, PT/FT makes no difference when it's run like a clusterfuck and the overheads on the stadium sook up the money.​ ​
  5. Read that Airdrie were going FT again, would say we're at least on par with their fanbase. Wouldn't take a great deal of effort to get more fans down to our games but there is absolutely no sign of anyone making an effort to do so. There isn't even any recognisable person at the helm, Gordon Ford makes the odd appearance when he's in the Country, then nothing................... Great example to what can be done when someone is willing to make an effort is the AS, it was leased out to food creations and what a difference down there with a guy that knows you need to stick some live footy on, get the fecking beer sorted out, and spruce the place up a bit to get folk going down. The rest of the club is still just going through the motions though, it desperately needs someone to take charge and actually know how to attract people along to games.
  6. Looks a cracking wee player, def one to have in your team next season if you're playing down here.
  7. Darren Cole is picked over him if that's any help. Nah should be decent enough in League 1, bit iffy for pace when he gets caught but is ok standing up to players coming at him. Pretty good when he goes forward though, poses an attacking threat the odd time he breaks up the pitch.
  8. Yeah he writes for the Courier, started off ok but recently he's become annoying the crap he's writing about the fans. Slagging the att every week, ok we've a shite att but the team has only won their 2nd home game this season last week against Dumbarton, does he expect the att to rise? Against Dumbarton though the pass backs by Cole in the first half were more deserving of abuse than boos, but he got neither, dear knows how we got away with the 4 or 5 times we gave away the ball in that first half, even that pass back Carson is talking about put McCallum under pressure and he had a Dumbarton player running at him as he booted it up the pitch.
  9. Dunno what he was talking about here; Callum Carson â€@CallumCarson34 · Mar 6 WBA fans cheer a pass back to the keeper with 5 mins to go and a goal up cos they keep possession. Livi fans yesterday booing the same thing Callum Carson â€@CallumCarson34 · Mar 5 Interesting that Livi fans were booing as the ball was played back to McCallum. Who then promptly set up White for the second goal. Didn't hear any boos when McCallum kicked the ball up to White for his goal, I think he's making stuff up. Watched Dumbarton's highlights to listen for these boos and all I could hear was Dumbarton fans making a noise to try and put McCallum off as he was kicking the ball, the same kind of noise fans make when an opposition keeper is taking a run up to take a goal kick, hoping he makes an arse of it.
  10. These Dumbarton c***s are growing on me, like going to their ground too, hope we both stay up this season.
  11. Aye right enough, Falkirk are too big to be trying to sign a class player like Gallagher. They'd rather sign a Livi reject like Watson to show us how big they are.
  12. 7 in 9 out Wage bill was apparently reduced even before Gallagher was heading back to the clink.
  13. Yep have to credit Hopkin with his signings, they all look very good, but as a manager he has got them playing in the wrong positions. Mullin's is meant to have plenty of pace, that's something we've been crying out for all season, just hope he can put in a decent delivery once he gets to the bye line. If he's down the right wing and Kaykay is down the left we've at last got width and players to get balls into the strikers.
  14. Hopkin playing Mullen up front is the problem, I think we've a good enough squad of players to get to 8th place but Hopkin as a manager doesn't fill me with confidence. His choice of starting 11, playing players out of position, and tactics will have us struggling to get out of the bottom 2. He can sign all the loan players he wants but unless he starts getting it right on those three things we're knackered. Oh and another thing, getting a settled starting 11 and a run of games with the same players would help too, all this chopping and changing has gone on all season, about time we had a settled team.
  15. Good loan signing for Cowden, first game will be against Airdrie too, Gibbons v Faria should be tasty. Georgiev must be hanging on in there, was hoping to see him leave, along with Cole and Sives but not very confident that those two will want to leave. Supposed to be trying to get Nicky Clarke on loan from Sevco, not sure we need another striker, more a case of Hopkin playing the right ones up front and them getting a run of game together. Kakay looks like he'll get into the box along the bye line to give them service.
  16. Yeah if he can be arsed playing, Cole is another Hippo, plays when the notion takes him. Before he got injured he looked like he was just going through the motions on the pitch this season. Glen is the same.
  17. Hope he gets a game against Sevco though, can see him scoring a goal for you if he does.
  18. Certainly getting rid of the fringe players and bringing in some quality players on loan. Could do with punting Cole, Sives, Glen, Duckrell and Georgiev too. Good bit of business getting money for Hippo though, not like us at all, young Knox should be sold before long too.
  19. If you moan at Hippo and give it to him tight he's more likely to go in a huff and not get involved at all, can be a bit petulant at times.
  20. Good at long throw ins too, scored against St Mirren earlier in the season when he caught them out, much like the one Halkett did against Falkirk for our equaliser.
  21. Got us a point against Sevco with his goal, cost us against Dumbarton with his red card after his petulant kick at their player right in front of the ref. Just don't know what you're going to get with Hippo and in our position we can't really afford a luxury player
  22. It was when he was suspended after we played Dumbarton, when he kicked one of your players and prob cost us the game. Duckrell posted a snapchat of Hippo on the bus to Ibrox asking him how he felt about missing the game, Hippo and Duckrell were both giggling and Hippo gave the thumbs up. Didn't go down well with some of our fans, personally i didn't take it seriously, was just two young lads messing about being daft laddies. He hasn't been getting much game time since though and if we're not using him then he's as well going to another club. I backed him longer than most but even I was losing patience with him, has potential but I don't think he'll be any more than a journeyman that thinks he's something special but can#t be arsed working for it.
  23. Luxury player, will be interesting to see if Houston can get more out of him than Burchill and Hopkin, doesn't work hard enough off the ball and Falkirk always looked a hard working team so don't know how Hippo will do there. Good luck to him anyway, decent player when he's on his game, frustrating as hell when he isn't though.
  24. Yeah, can see why Millen was signed, it was all a bit of a panic to get the squad together due to the transfer embargo being lifted mid pre season. Esposito should've been more about strengthening the team in the Jan window, no point signing more players to sit on the bench.
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